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How does one identify...



It's supposed to be a shade or two darker than shadow/npc armor. I've never spent that much time myself examining it so I can't verify that, but I suppose you could try comparing it to coal ingots or ore


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You know my answer already.

However, all GM crafted coal items will have a totel of 21 resists. It's been forever. I'd steer clear of unmarked platemail, chainmail, ringmail. Chain & ring is so easily crafted it rarely went unmarked, or unexceptional. We all know why.

Here are some examples of Coal and NPC Armor (Evista[Trammel Skara West] and Phishman's Vendor Museums[Just outside of Cove, Felucca])



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yes evista has a great collection if u wanna go and compare im sure he has numerous types that ur interested in


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Evista is indeed a wonderful collector (certainly not as monetarily -i made that word up if it's not a word!- gifted as some of the folk here). He not only enjoys the rarer of the bunch, but he also has an *almost* completed set of every type of pre-aos magical armor, weapons, and miscellaneus items as well. It doesn't hurt he's good for conversation as well. ;]