I've tried blacksmith ,carpentry,tiner's deed's none of which work's to repair the pitchfork?? any help is appreciated.
What shard are you on? If Pacific, I'd be more than happy to give you my ICQ and handle the repairs for ya. There are actually quite a few people that look for my Smith in Luna for just this reason. If another shard, I'm sure there are plenty of people here that would help you out.Ya , I had to do this the other day with my pitchfork. After asking 3 or 4 people to do it that just ignored me I finnaly found a smith to repair it. This brought back memories of going to the smith shop to get my gear repaired. But it also brings back memories of guy that stole my silver vanq war axe when I gave it to him to repair. I wish they would fix this to where you could repair it with a deed because every time I get it repaired and someone comments on how nice of a pitchfork it is I know that eventually someone wont give it back.
Just have 1 Smith do it that ya trust all the time, if ya can. If you're on Napa I am on about every nite, starting about Midnight EST. I pop in Stratics 1st normally, so pop me a PM, if you're on Baja I know a nice lady who would do it for you any time also. GLYa , I had to do this the other day with my pitchfork. After asking 3 or 4 people to do it that just ignored me I finnaly found a smith to repair it. This brought back memories of going to the smith shop to get my gear repaired. But it also brings back memories of guy that stole my silver vanq war axe when I gave it to him to repair. I wish they would fix this to where you could repair it with a deed because every time I get it repaired and someone comments on how nice of a pitchfork it is I know that eventually someone wont give it back.
Same if on Sonoma, I am on normally most days well into the evening, my tower is right across from the Yew grave yard [Tram side] and I check Stratics every morning. All my PMs are sent to my email also so if I miss the PM I normally catch it in the email. Good luck with your travels whatever shard you play on.Just have 1 Smith do it that ya trust all the time, if ya can. If you're on Napa I am on about every nite, starting about Midnight EST. I pop in Stratics 1st normally, so pop me a PM, if you're on Baja I know a nice lady who would do it for you any time also. GLYa , I had to do this the other day with my pitchfork. After asking 3 or 4 people to do it that just ignored me I finnaly found a smith to repair it. This brought back memories of going to the smith shop to get my gear repaired. But it also brings back memories of guy that stole my silver vanq war axe when I gave it to him to repair. I wish they would fix this to where you could repair it with a deed because every time I get it repaired and someone comments on how nice of a pitchfork it is I know that eventually someone wont give it back.