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How do you get rid of your pet vendor stall..


Crazed Zealot
Pet vendor in Magincia is not a very productive enterprize for me, and it just sucks up vendor fees and charges.
Maybe the idea would be to move the vendor to a diff. spot but doubt that this will be any better..
I went over the UO wiki/info about pet vendors, and I assume you can get rid of the vendor and stall by releasing the vendor. I don,t need to keep the pets in it, so is there a quick way to close it down, pets and all?
Thanks in advance.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Change your bid to 0? The pets inside will stay in the craft area. But they count against your total. You would need to transfer to stable and release them before.

Also if you win a new spot you will lose that one.


Crazed Zealot
Change your bid to 0? The pets inside will stay in the craft area. But they count against your total. You would need to transfer to stable and release them before.

Also if you win a new spot you will lose that one.