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How do you get here?

How do you get to the boards

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are two sets of links to the forums on the main uo.stratics page, I'm considering removing the ones in the left menu, leaving the ones in the drop down menus at the top, but before I make a final decision I thought I'd consult a bit.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Normally I have the forums bookmarked on my own computers, but if on a strange computer, I use the drop down menus from main uo stratics page


I use the drop down menu from uo.stratics...it doesn't take me to the UO forums though, it takes me to the main stratics forums. Not sure if it's supposed to do that or not, or if it may be a problem with my settings or something, but thought I'd let you know.


- Do not let the poll results deceive you, for people will continue to need as many inlets to this forum as possible, imho (whether thats uo.com, FoF, stratics.com, Nok, uoforums, et al uber x-links).

Unless you need the space for something better, I propose keeping as many links to our favorite (un)official links to UO forums alive.
(Ich hope that made some sense/cents.)

Hobo Sapien

Seasoned Veteran
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What bothers me about the new stratics and this is semi related I hope .If not sorry. When I am in say Uhall, like now and come upon a Poll or some pics. Alot of the time I don't log in. In order to vote or view pics you have to log in. When I do that, it does not re-direct me to the same page I was viewing, but to the main page. Then I have to click my way back to where I was. I know seems like small potatoes, thought I wud throw it in.


Crazed Zealot
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I type in the first few characters of the address and firefox auto-fills it in. But when I go to the forums the first time, I use the links on the left side of uo.stratics.com. I didn't even know there were drop downs to get to these forums from that page.



Grand Poobah
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Campaign Supporter
I chose the left hand menu option cuz that´s what I use now but it doesn´t really matter to me.

Either one is fine as long as the links work. ;)

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mairut, you may be looking at different drop downs, the ones above the uo.stratics logo go to Stratics main, there's another set below the logo but above the content, they go to the various boards.

One reason for removing the menu links was to shorten the menu a bit, needing less scrolling to get down to the information links.

I'm trying to not only update the site, but make it less complex, so that the information is easier to find. Last week I found two virtually identical pages on animal lore, each linked from a different part of the site, and of course both out of date. Now we have one page and whether you reach it from the 'animal lore' or 'animal taming' links on the left or from the 'The Tamer' essay on the right, you get to the same page.
Sometimes I feel like someone has given me a ball of wool that the kitten has been playing with to unravel, but I'm patient, and I hope diligent, and if I can inspire enough help with the skill types I'm not familiar with, we'll get there.

Old Man of UO

Sorry, but it's an American thing... I don't like public polls, and it adds nothing to this poll to know how anyone voted.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi Petra,

In answer to the poll, definitely "Other". ;)

There are two sets of links to the forums on the main uo.stratics page, I'm considering removing the ones in the left menu, leaving the ones in the drop down menus at the top, but before I make a final decision I thought I'd consult a bit.
I can certainly understand streamlining the site and removing redundancies, but in some situations... leaving redundant functions as they are has its place. This may be one of them.

The biggest reason... change. Removing one or the other would be a big change for a significant portion of UOS users... some will scream bloody murder at the change. With UO nearing 12 years, and UOS very close behind with a site design that hasn't changed in a long time... people become accustom to how a site works, where the links are located on their displays, how far they have to move their mouse and how many times they have to click to get to where they want to go.

- Do not let the poll results deceive you, for people will continue to need as many inlets to this forum as possible, imho (whether thats uo.com, FoF, stratics.com, Nok, uoforums, et al uber x-links).

Unless you need the space for something better, I propose keeping as many links to our favorite (un)official links to UO forums alive.
(Ich hope that made some sense/cents.)
I completely agree with AesSedai. Having two options for site/forum navigation is good, especially since so many UOS users are so familiar with what they like to use. Change for change's sake, I believe wouldn't be worth frustrating a percentage of the user base over. But now if UOS were going to get an entirely new site design that included new features, functions, and navigation... then change would be appropriate.

Just my 2 pesos.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I made it public because the last time I made one that was private I got slated for making it that way. Not sure how it's an 'American' thing, I get 'American's moaning at me whichever way I do it :D.

Entirely new site? Well maybe, one of these fine days, at the moment the poor site is hampered by having an ME that knows nothing about the kind of coding that's needed to do something on that level. :(

At least one person has already suggested that I 'do the decent thing and resign'


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Like others have said, on my computer they are bookmarked. When I am using someone elses computer to check the net I use Stratics main page, left menu.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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I made it public because the last time I made one that was private I got slated for making it that way. Not sure how it's an 'American' thing, I get 'American's moaning at me whichever way I do it :D.

Entirely new site? Well maybe, one of these fine days, at the moment the poor site is hampered by having an ME that knows nothing about the kind of coding that's needed to do something on that level. :(

At least one person has already suggested that I 'do the decent thing and resign'
*Kicks* Get joo butt back to work your doing fine.

I'm a simple person and I use bookmarks and only use Uo Chesapeake, Atlantic and UHall. The information sections on skills and stuff just annoy the crap outta me. I normally just ask on icq if I have questions rather then shift through a bunch of outta date stuff that directs you to a dead end.

I'm done ranting. So...yeah I just have bookmarks for the three sections I use.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
doh! it's the 'bunch of outta date stuff that directs you to a dead end.' that I'm trying so hard to fix!
If everybody told me where the 'dead ends' were I could maybe fix it faster, but I'm doing my best and I got a couple of really, really hard working helpers.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
At least one person has already suggested that I 'do the decent thing and resign'
No resigning Petra! Actually... you're doing an awesome job. The work you and the UOS team have been doing updating the UO info has been a lot of work, these things take time. And given the size of the task, what's been done so far... is much appreciated. :)

Quantum Ace

I used the left menu on the main page for quite a long time, then I bookmarked the forums I frequent on a regular basis. I think it is a good idea to have as many links as possible for others to get here.


"I have a campsite on the Drach and an Inn on Catskills... "

How do I get here?
favorite button on my bar... takes me directly to cats forum.

About folk telling you what to do...
"os cães ladram, a caravana passa..."

Old Man of UO

.... At least one person has already suggested that I 'do the decent thing and resign'
Not sure why anyone would say that, unless they were volunteering to do you job... I know that I wouldn't want to. I would venture to say that most of us really do appreciate the great job you are doing.


I use the left-menus almost all of the time.

Since some of the forums are not listed there (Trade), I can see one reason multiple paths are needed. I have seen people on the Atlantic forum that did not know the trade forums existed.


I use the uo.stratics drop-down menus to go wherever I'm planning to start from, usually - in order of frequency - Shard, Profession, or General. Wherever I go from there I use the breadcrumbs at the top and step back.

Lord Drakelord

Normally I have the forums bookmarked on my own computers, but if on a strange computer, I use the drop down menus from main uo stratics page
What they said above, I have also used the UOToolbar to help get to main news pages of Stratics since the only pages I bookmarked were the forums.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's been set as one of my homepage tabs for several years. I rarely play UO anymore but i am addicted to reading these boards lol.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not that it will change things but .....

I was momentarily confused :sleep2:

I do use a Book Mark to get to the uo.stratics.com main page.

I do use the left hand links to get to several forums.

I voted the Book Mark :dunce:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I use the left hand menu, didn't even know there were dropdown boxes :)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I chose "other" because I just start typing "vbo...." in the address bar and it comes up.



I use the top drop bars to get to the forums i need.

Just a idea tossed out for the left bar.

How about doing pop up mouse overs? you could have the pop ups when the mouse hovers over the main title, such as General Forums,. That might help with the clutter there.

And, I'm not sure how much usage or clicks the Current Events Cluster receives. It seems to me that its just a different direction to get to the same news. Redundancy. sorry.
IMO, Redundancy of how you get to the destination isn't always the best thing. It is confusing and people will lose interest or get side tracked along the way.

Now for the right bar.

As for the Stratics Central cluster (top right), Could it be placed farther down the right side of the bar. Even though in other sites (Google as an example) the right side isn't viewed as important information, more like Ads, in this site, the right bar is the opposite. I often use the right bar for important information gathering. The Stratics Central cluster is pretty confusing. I think it might be better under the Technical Information cluster (middle right, half page).

*One more request, the Endless Scrolling for the news is terrible. Is it possible to have a "Back to top" link that will send you to the top of the page again? and possibly have the news that is a week or two old put into archives?

Great work and huge undertaking. Hope these ideas help, than hinder.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mouse over pop outs is beyond my ability, given the way the site is constructed from separate files controlled by a .php template. I would have to ask about that one.

Back to the top is already there - on the brown title bar of each article there are 3 images, far right:
The first of those takes you to the top. Shifting the Stratics Central cluster isn't going to have much impact, there are only 3 links anyway.
As for the original question, thanks for the responses. It stays as is.

[edit], oki, with the not-inconsiderable help of my visiting younger son I've managed to make the menus collapse. I won't be extending that to other parts of the site, eg Hunter's guide and atlas, till I see what the general reaction is, from both users and staff (and probably Den :D )


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I bookmark uhall, then use the links on top the one that says

"Stratics Forums > UO Stratics Forums"

to navigate to other forums. Don't use either the left nav panel or the drop-down menu :D

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Benefactor
I don't even notice the top drop-down menus. I have it bookmarked already but if I was looking for the Stratics forums I would be searching the left menu. The top bar appears to just be for networked sites. I'm just guessing but I wouldn't assume that "Stratics Community" meant "forum list".


I bookmark uo.stratics then use the drop down menu been doing it like that for as long as I can remember.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can i be the first to say, i don't like what has been done to the left hand columnmenu. It sort of took the simple, scroll down and click what you want part out of the equation. Now i'm finding myself hunting through drop downs for what i want.

5% Luck

I have a bookmark to stratics-uo page then I use the link to the various forums in the left column.

Unfortunately i for some reason can not access the trade forums without typing in the link or bookmarking it. The only reason I found them was some one posted a link to a scammers thread and I checked it out.

So for me it is the drop down menus do not work. Any and all forum access should be available through the left column marked "forums" general-profession-shard and hopefully a new heading marked trade(or any other uo forums that are not in that list)

Now I do not know of any uo forums here on stratics other than the trade boards that I have trouble accessing but if there are any I would note them as well.

Honestly I am very happy some one has taken the time to adress this and i would add a warm thank you to this thread!

Thank you Peytra!

I use firefox and typically scripts are not enabled IDK if this is the drop down problem but it seems even when the whole page is enabled i still can not use the drop downs!

Haha! It works now! just checked it Thanks!

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
With the not-inconsiderable help of my younger son I've managed to create collapsing menus - and I've put plus signs at the sides of the headers for those who thought I'd just lost all the links. :lick: Hopefully that's acceptable and an improvement?

I'm told those who have 'no scripts' turned on the menus will look exactly as they used to.

oh, and I added in the trade forums too.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hail Petra,

I concur with NOk. This is a daunting task you and your helpers have undertaken. Thank You for attempting this.

Pay no heed to the naysayers.

That said, I also do not respond to polls that reveal my specific responses to others.

Keep up thy Great Work.

Elladan of Baja

Old Man of UO

With the not-inconsiderable help of my younger son I've managed to create collapsing menus - and I've put plus signs at the sides of the headers for those who thought I'd just lost all the links. :lick: Hopefully that's acceptable and an improvement?

I'm told those who have 'no scripts' turned on the menus will look exactly as they used to.

oh, and I added in the trade forums too.
I like the simple and clean look for the main page. Much easier now to find what I am looking for without scrolling up and down. Thank you!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Firefox's Address Bar. I just start typing Uhall. Bam.

I love Firefox.

Before that, i always used a bookmark.