There are two sets of links to the forums on the main uo.stratics page, I'm considering removing the ones in the left menu, leaving the ones in the drop down menus at the top, but before I make a final decision I thought I'd consult a bit.
I do that.Normally I have the forums bookmarked on my own computers, but if on a strange computer, I use the drop down menus from main uo stratics page
I can certainly understand streamlining the site and removing redundancies, but in some situations... leaving redundant functions as they are has its place. This may be one of them.There are two sets of links to the forums on the main uo.stratics page, I'm considering removing the ones in the left menu, leaving the ones in the drop down menus at the top, but before I make a final decision I thought I'd consult a bit.
I completely agree with AesSedai. Having two options for site/forum navigation is good, especially since so many UOS users are so familiar with what they like to use. Change for change's sake, I believe wouldn't be worth frustrating a percentage of the user base over. But now if UOS were going to get an entirely new site design that included new features, functions, and navigation... then change would be appropriate.- Do not let the poll results deceive you, for people will continue to need as many inlets to this forum as possible, imho (whether thats, FoF,, Nok, uoforums, et al uber x-links).
Unless you need the space for something better, I propose keeping as many links to our favorite (un)official links to UO forums alive.
(Ich hope that made some sense/cents.)
*Kicks* Get joo butt back to work your doing fine.I made it public because the last time I made one that was private I got slated for making it that way. Not sure how it's an 'American' thing, I get 'American's moaning at me whichever way I do it.
Entirely new site? Well maybe, one of these fine days, at the moment the poor site is hampered by having an ME that knows nothing about the kind of coding that's needed to do something on that level.
At least one person has already suggested that I 'do the decent thing and resign'
No resigning Petra! Actually... you're doing an awesome job. The work you and the UOS team have been doing updating the UO info has been a lot of work, these things take time. And given the size of the task, what's been done so far... is much appreciated.At least one person has already suggested that I 'do the decent thing and resign'
Not sure why anyone would say that, unless they were volunteering to do you job... I know that I wouldn't want to. I would venture to say that most of us really do appreciate the great job you are doing..... At least one person has already suggested that I 'do the decent thing and resign'
What they said above, I have also used the UOToolbar to help get to main news pages of Stratics since the only pages I bookmarked were the forums.Normally I have the forums bookmarked on my own computers, but if on a strange computer, I use the drop down menus from main uo stratics page
I like the simple and clean look for the main page. Much easier now to find what I am looking for without scrolling up and down. Thank you!With the not-inconsiderable help of my younger son I've managed to create collapsing menus - and I've put plus signs at the sides of the headers for those who thought I'd just lost all the links.Hopefully that's acceptable and an improvement?
I'm told those who have 'no scripts' turned on the menus will look exactly as they used to.
oh, and I added in the trade forums too.