I had to put a vote in dislike...
Rather than constantly 'innovating' and changing the game — ultimately irritating current players along the way and chipping away at them (while failing to attract their replacements) — I think they should have spent the last few years YOLO'ing a Pub16 style server rather than trying something different, a la NL. NL's been a mixed reception going by this poll. It's painful to see really, all that effort (and at what cost) for a dubious return. I think some of us, in our gut, long expected as much because the game is just old.
Imagine for the past 4 years they had re-constructed a Pub16 server and released that instead, I think we'd have raked in more old players because they'd be returning for that familiar, albeit maybe rose-tinted age. We'd all be returning to that ancient time and we would all basically know what to expect. Everyone has a semblance of what "Pub16" means without needing to say anything else, the name and its idea sells itself, and we'd all be hanging about in discord or on the forums here saying, "my dudes, 3 or 4 years, official classic server", with at least half an idea of what to expect.
There's been endless threads and debates about what moment in time to replicate for a classic UO server, but honestly, I believe it would not have mattered. They would have been able to compromise a vision of Pub16 reasonable enough that it would not immediately deter everyone that tried it — considering free shards apparently manage it.
Perhaps this can only be said with hindsight, but is New Legacy 'exciting'? Has New Legacy drawn in many old players, and if so, are they staying (for any official servers)? Now, how might the answers differ if I were to say "Pub16" instead of "New Legacy"?
For my part, a mix of incomprehension, disbelief and disappointment. However, seriously, good on them for daring to try something big.