How do I go about gaining city loyalty in Trinsic now days? I was hoping to be able to buy a city banner but can't seem to find out how to gain city loyalty. I googled it and only found old info that doesn't seem to work anymore.
Click on yourself.. it's under Loyalty ratingI have been donating and doing the trade deals, I did not however declare my loyalty!!!! How does one do this? And does all the work I have done go out the window?
Get the rope from the chest, find the raider, beat it down to almost dead, then use the rope on it (double click rope and target raider) - gate back to the city of your choice and hand in your prisoner. They sometimes used to start attacking you again after being captured, when they healed up a little, but they did no damage - I have a vague memory that they change from red name tag when raiders to yellow when captured....How do you arrest raiders? Do you get a rope from the city chest? How do you use it?