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Housing tool responds with "true"?

Angel of Sonoma

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this past week i was at an idoc. using the housing tool, i attempted to place a house and got a message saying the area was temporarily unavailable for house placement.

i waited a few minutes & tried to place again but this time when i double-clicked the housing tool it didn't come up with the housing menu -- instead it just showed the word "true" in my journal. what would cause this?

note: i only tried to place a house one time, i repeat ONE TIME. so i don't think i reached the maximum number of placement attempts. i logged in several hours later and the housing tool worked normally again.


UO Forum Moderator
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I have had the housing tool say "temporarily unavailable" but never just the word true but then again I have not looked in the journal to see!

just currious had you tried to place houses in the last 24 hours?
there is a timer on it I just cant remember how long


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It normally shows true when the house placement location will work but something is blocking it (idoc land timer, house resize timer, etc). I assume this was a debugging feature when the dev's created the idoc house timers and house resizing which allowed them to see what was going on and was not turned off.

Did you use a uoassist macro? Those can sometimes hang and carry on when you double clicked the house tool. Same could be true if your using a last target macro, this was a big issue with honor which now has a confirmation gump.

Some of the client bugs can be fixed with housing can be fixed by completely logging out of the client (so theres no longer a client.exe running in your task manager)


Slightly Crazed
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Mine says true at the bottom corner everytime I double click on it. Have no idea why.

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
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happens alot.
prolly a boolean value that gets writen out as a string.
i was noticeing that yesterday when i was hating the houseing changes :(

Angel of Sonoma

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i haven't been using this character much over the past couple of weeks. i've only logged in with her to change armor. she probably hasn't used a house placement tool in a month.

i submitted a bug report.

personally i don't think there should be any limitations on the use of the house placement tool. what's the point? if there's a timer tied to the plot that should suffice.


- Iirc, it began when they changed the house placement rules / timers re: idoc placement. It was a change to the house placement tool system in general; a change to benefit casual players /over 'hardcore' players &/or perhaps game abusers. 'True' seems to indicate you are good for placing & 'false' (even though I haven't seen it) probably occurs when trying to place too many times in a row. So when false pops up, it likely cues up a random timer to count down until the next time you can try to place.
Granted, the housing server has burps and backups that can cause unusual circumstances when trying to place; but this 'true' statement in journals and on the lower left of the screen did not begin until they altered the way people could bum-rush the house placement tool to try to place asap... and that's a good thing for casual play & overall legit enjoyment, imo.
Now as to why it shows up for us to see? I don't know, and I feel that it probably shouldn't. So that's good that this was (yet again) reported.


Seasoned Veteran
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Ive seen false. I use the tool all the time to see how much I have in the bank. When I bought a house, & after it was traded to me, that 7 day timer before u can place or get one again, I always seen false when I checked my gold count. Since the 7 day timer was ended, I always see True now.

SO Id say true means good to go, false me no u cant place.