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(Player News) House Storage Questioned!

  • Thread starter Old Macdonald
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Old Macdonald

Some "Rumors" were issued on Pacific General Chat that my luna house has 80% increase storage. As long as we are telling a "story,"
here is my side of it on stratics.

Note: I even brought my old SIG out of retirement. :bowdown:
Im glad to provide pacific with the service of laying one story to rest.
Back to your regularly scheduled gaming!


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i dont get it what am i suppose to be looking at the 40 increase? and that there arent alot of things locked down ? good to see you back ander its always fun talking to you because you actually know what the hell is going on in this game, where as me well i just kind of just figure things out in its own due time..lol

oh never mind i figured it out after reading the whole post yay me
it was a rumor thing in uo who knew !!!