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House plots



Can anyone point me in the general direction of where i might find some house plots? Not asking for the exact locations but a general area to try in would help and be greatly appreciated. Not a big one mind you just average sized.


Hey, welcome back...i too just returned 3 weeks ago after having been away for 6 years+. It is tricky getting around and learning all the new changes. Anywho, i am stationed in Lake Superior as well and i happen to know of a spot next to my current house that is ideal for a 17x17 or even 18x18 plot. Its in Malas, just head right from Luna, passing the Crystal Fens (see map from UoHerald) and right before you make it to the mountain side that looks like a boot you'll find the available plot. Hope to see you in the game, it would be nice to meet up with someone who is just as lost as i am. :) My character names are: Logan, Remy Stonebreaker, and Count Vodkula.


Thanks a bunch...

I just finished placing it ...kinda back behind yours .....over to the right some...up against the mountain behind the house with the waterfall...

Thanks so much for the info...

I'm on either Brelyn or Lomewen....hope to see you around....