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hope this helps all of us



:grouphug:on my, own observations, as anapa fisherman, the delicate scales we fish up it seems in the break water is the best area's, this is that little space just off of land where it shows shallow meeting deeper water, still requires aboat for best results, the scales when used by the imbuer gives ubws skill to the weapon altered.:stir:

five oclock

No. No it does not help me at least. :p Im always out there just minding my own business looking for the Big fish that got away. Suddenly I get a Heavy tug and I start realing in what seems like forever.

Thinking I finally have that big one those dang scales surface. :p

But I do have friends who use it so its all good :D


Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
A good help friend keep it up!


aye sir, any chance I get, but darn after hours on the oceans, I was begining to believedeepsea serpents went extinct, then 2 at once time to full steam ahead, ended up I got them instead of them me, speaking of which pearls seem to have fallen aside yet again, time to stungun the dev's awake again I guess :)