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Hooray, I finally managed to patch!



And now I can log on again for the first time in like a month. Hopefully the event tomorrow is worth logging in for.

See ya around all.


what finally got the patcher working for you....just incase this happens to someone else?


I really DO wish they would change that set up. Every patch there are folks that do not get the patch to work successfully for them every darn patch someone is perma shut out even though they are paying EA customers.

I wish they would still enable logging IN minus the latest patch and then have it set up, tech support online phone ins that fully function, work properly to get folks whom didnt patch TO patch. . instead of shutting folks out of the game they are paying for. *patches oft do not work for some* this one that one next one next time, be nice if they still let us log in and not shut us out with the latest patch failing for some folks any folks that are paying em to play. . some workaround that lets em log IN..regardless so long as they paid up, then helps em really helps em TO patch, without shutting em out entirely.


Well, something must be screwy with my computer. I assumed this problem was on my side anyway, but for some reason it would do one patch at a time, so long as I started it RIGHT when the computer started up.

So I had to restart a good number of times, but...

My computer has been having issues with several things lately not virus caused, may be something wrong with my hard drive or memory. Not sure yet.