My Holiday Open house is now officially closed ! Actually you will not even FIND my house THERE any longer.
Normally I do not remove Christmas till after the new year holiday.
But my guildmate whom had a house near the Brit moongate Tram side, seemed to be fond of my house on Pitmuck Isle. We basically changed places.
She took over my Pitmuck Isle home, and her Brit moongate area home was beside my Blacksmith's home. So as her home began to near Greatly worn we had to make the transfer the other day. Her former Brit Moongate area home that was next to my blacksmith, is now Queen Zen's home. And my pitmuck isle home belongs to a cute lil newblet goblin chr. whom is not me.
At any rate my Holiday Open House Christmas house is GONE. IF anyone wishes a max secured plot, it is there OPEN for placing a lg. twr will fit there, or an 18 14 or 17 15 depending on how patient ya are with my former spot north of Lord British's moat in the *green T* west of Cemetary.
With Paxlair's 13th anniversary coming soon, I had this hair brained idea to connect MY houses on the roof somewhat reminding me of how we all could zip from the two large towers in PaxLair. So now ya can play 12 yr. vet house teleporter tile hop skotch on my the Brit moongate near where the former jackolantern house was. Both my side by side, Brit moongate area houses' tiles and homes are public.
AND CHRISTMAS IS GOING IN THE BOXES...time for trees that are not lit up and fountains and campion flowers, & normal stuff deco. instead !
Our apologies to all those recalling there the past week thinking her former Brit Moongate home was going to be a max secureds IDOC....twas not, just was being emptied and awaiting our transfers with one another to our homes exchangings.