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Holiday giftbox pricecheck.


Hello to everyone! I just try to clean my house find this gixtboxes. Can you tell me please do i have something rare or just regular stuff for 1 gp?) thanks for the answer! =)



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello, giftboxes have a wide range of colors they can spawn in and most are quite common where as others such as glacial, blaze or some of the multicolor hues are quite rare. It looks like the colors you have are more common. Maybe the square box in the second row that is blue with a purpleish base that one might be a rarer color but I am not sure on that.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Use a deco tool on them and check hue... i'm not 100% sure on this but i believe all of the 4 digit hues are rare.