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hola every1


Stratics Veteran
Hello again every1!

Logged in a few times and saw no1 in shame...
Every1 give up??

Cant wait 2 see some of you again...

Mama Faith(greatest UO player eva),
sister fran(ill get you! and yer little dog too),
amber witch(are my marks removed yet?lol),
Fig(you better have my 100mil)

ne1 a walking dead fanatic?
i watch the trailers on amc.com like 500 times a day...

Mama Faith

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey sir!!!!! It's nice to see you post and know that everything is OK. I'm not on much lately with tax season upon us. Know that I think about you and wonder if you're wandering the land when I'm offline. Take care and I hope to see you soon. *curtsy*

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Fig and the rest of the Brit Council went and spent that 100Mil. Duck stuffed Chicken in every pot! Thanks!

Silly wabbit. As far as I know ya never got any marks but if you want to PM me about it that would be the way to do it!

Welcome home.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wait, aren't we supposed to have the chickens fight before eating them?

Howdy Slim!


Stratics Veteran
*waves to Silmwaren*

Good to see you back around the fair, pleasant shard we call home!

Look forward to having your presence adding to our ambiance **snickers**


Till Later Then!

Sister Frances

(ps. Elevere ate the little dog again...)

Noble Beast

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nice to see you around again, Silm. We have still not met in-game but I look forward to seeing your unique & interesting perspective on Baja again.


Stratics Veteran
Blah i knew i was forgetting some1 lol...
Hiya SK!

I tried out a few other games, and they all got really old really quick.
Warcraft was like eating the same thing everyday. The only good thing about it was the instanced PVP scenarios. I tell you 20v20 battles are crazy fun.
But questing and pve is really crappy.

Lord of the rings... Its no wonder why LOTR went f2p. I played for like 2 days and sent them an email; saying, that they should pay me 2 play the game.

Whats so bad about mmos; IS now they are all becoming the same game. The quest systems, crafting, ...
They all have a invasive mini-chat window; which is quite irksome. I looked and looked and could not find a way to get rid of it. If you click on it by accident; Your player interface controls(macros, walk/run) are disabled until you click on the main play area. Which leads some1 pressing buttons over and over again to no avail. This always seems to happen when you r in a PVP instance.

I guess UO is still the best thing out there. Kinda sad that so many have never heard of it.

But as usual; I have an idea. Wouldnt it be great if UO made a pet change token? You could change your pets form, color. I mean it would still be its initial creation; and, stats would not change. You could make yer pet dragon into a monkey or whatever else. lol i know haha...

I know my second idea would be hard to formulate. Would be interesting if somehow players could create there own dungeons that others could explore. The player who created it; of course could not farm or gain anything out of it. It would be a good gold sink; The more gold you put in, the more enhancements you could add.