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HoC House Design Competition


UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
House Design Competition
Pacific's New Hall Of Commons
Entry Submission Closing Date : Midnight PST, Thursday, July 22nd.


Thank you to everyone who turned out for our very first Hall Of Commons meeting last Friday. It was a great success and a lot of new plans were set in motion as a result.

One of those plans is of course to design ourselves a respectable building within which to hold our HoC meets in the future. The one we have at the moment is my own miserable effort at house design and just won't do.

So I'd like to announce the a house design competition for our new Hall Of Commons building.

Here are some guide lines for those wanting to give it go...

  • The house plot size is 18x18.
  • It needs to have a very good seating capacity, at least 70.
  • Please arrange the main discussion floor in a neutral fashion. So no head of the table, or priority seating. If you take a look at the included image you can see how the seats all face the middle with a central speakers pit. This is one way to handle the seating. Please feel free to try other ideas. The important thing is to be able to have discussions where everyone feels they have an equal right to speak.
  • Please do not include any lock-down deco or house add-ons (with the exception of the required pieces listed below). Basically just the bare house as it would look coming out of the customization stage.
  • Take care not to block chat messages with walls or other partitions.
  • Please include the following add-ons in your design:
    • 4 x Ballot boxes (used for voting on the main discussion floor)
    • 1 x Letterbox (used for receiving mail concerning HoC meetings and schedule)
    • 1 x Noticeboard (General messages from players)
The winner will have their name engraved on a plaque out the front of the building listing them as the architect.

You can submit your entries in this thread, or if you prefer you can send them to me privately by PM.

This is the place for questions too, so post those if you have them.

Here is a screeny of the current design to give you some frame of reference.

I'll redesign the hall before the next HoC meeting on 23rd with the winners design so we may all enjoy their efforts.

Looking forward to seeing your entries, and good luck all!

- EM Tailspin


What does the Letterbox look like? Could you show a picture please?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My house is not 18x18 in game, but I would very much like to enter. Is there a house design program or anything for this?


UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My house is not 18x18 in game, but I would very much like to enter. Is there a house design program or anything for this?
Create a character on TC1 (bottom of your shard list). There you will find your bank full of money and many other usefull resources.

Bit of running around should land you a 18x18 spot, especially in Felucca.

- EM Tailspin