I'm back. Not much, but barely.
I would like to keep coming back, occasionally. Just have a lot going on in real life...like...stocks. Didn't get hurt much last year. In fact, not at all. Actually, I did well...except in one...the game I love. Dropped from just over 41 a share to now trading as of close tonight at 18.
You do the math...especially when you hold a great deal.
If we want to keep this game going, we all need to do a part.
I love this game, as little as I play. Yet, many of my fellow shareholders do not. They will make decisions over the next year that will over-ride any sentiments I may have just because my daughters played for so long.
My suggestion...in the next three months, ever single one of you need to set one goal...above acquiring just scrolls, rewards, and whatever has you...
Bring one new player into game, and help them build, so that they will stay. Bring back companions, if need be, sanction in game or not. Revive towns, and start to work together. UO once prided itself in community. Lets make it truly happen.
If not, at next quarters stockholders meeting...questions are going to start to be asked...as they have already.
Just a suggestion.
Love playin'...but can't hold the line by myself.
We all need to do a part.
Then again, it would be easy to just stand back and enjoy my Gin and Tonic. But, I thought, I might as well share. Something about the game, I guess. Nice peeps here.
I'm back. Not much, but barely.
I would like to keep coming back, occasionally. Just have a lot going on in real life...like...stocks. Didn't get hurt much last year. In fact, not at all. Actually, I did well...except in one...the game I love. Dropped from just over 41 a share to now trading as of close tonight at 18.
You do the math...especially when you hold a great deal.
If we want to keep this game going, we all need to do a part.
I love this game, as little as I play. Yet, many of my fellow shareholders do not. They will make decisions over the next year that will over-ride any sentiments I may have just because my daughters played for so long.
My suggestion...in the next three months, ever single one of you need to set one goal...above acquiring just scrolls, rewards, and whatever has you...
Bring one new player into game, and help them build, so that they will stay. Bring back companions, if need be, sanction in game or not. Revive towns, and start to work together. UO once prided itself in community. Lets make it truly happen.
If not, at next quarters stockholders meeting...questions are going to start to be asked...as they have already.
Just a suggestion.
Love playin'...but can't hold the line by myself.
We all need to do a part.
Then again, it would be easy to just stand back and enjoy my Gin and Tonic. But, I thought, I might as well share. Something about the game, I guess. Nice peeps here.