So before HLD/HLA is accounted for,
120swords against a 120macer both with max hci/dci have a 50%chance to hit?
How does parry/bushido change this?
You should check out the Combat information at All the information is there.
To answer your question, here is the equation for blocking...
Blocking with a shield:
Base Chance = (Parrying - Bushido) / 4 (If less than 0, the chance is 0)
(Add 5% if Parrying or Bushido skill is 100 or above)
Blocking with a 1-handed weapon (without a shield):
New = (Parrying * 10) * (Bushido * 10) / 48000 (Add 5% if Parrying or Bushido skill is 100 or above)
Legacy = (Parrying * 10) / 80 (Add 5% if Parrying skill if 100 or above)
Base Chance = Whichever is highest of the New and the Legacy formula.
Blocking with a 2-handed weapon:
New = (Parrying * 10) * (Bushido * 10) / 41140 (Add 5% if Parrying or Bushido skill is 100 or above)
Legacy = (Parrying * 10) / 80 (Add 5% if Parrying skill if 100 or above)
Base Chance = Whichever is highest of the New and the Legacy formula.
Dexterity Modifier if dex is less than 80*: (80 - Dexterity) / 100 (If Dexterity is higher than 80, the modifier is 0)
Final % Chance of blocking = Base Chance * (1 - Dexterity Modifier)