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Hiryu wres and tactics..?


Crazed Zealot
i the hunter guide it lists for Hiryus and Lesser Hiryus that they can spawn with
Wrestling up to 120
Tactics up to 110
Is that still true or once you tame them they automatically drop to 100 caps?
Thanks in advance..


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They still can be over 100. I have not seen any with over 107 myself. But I dont look at the plain ones before I kill them.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i the hunter guide it lists for Hiryus and Lesser Hiryus that they can spawn with
Wrestling up to 120
Tactics up to 110
Is that still true or once you tame them they automatically drop to 100 caps?
Thanks in advance..
I have several Lesser Hiryu's that when tamed were still over 100 cap. FYI, it also "gives credit" for the extra cap when applying power scrolls. So you save a few (or several) training points. Which is always nice!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some of my normal & lesser hiryus have "native" wrestling over GM. One lesser is at 107.8, one at 107.7! I also had an old Reptalon, that had 108.0 retrained wrestling - that one had 120.0 as a wild beast ...

110.0 tactics on a wild beast will drop to 99.0 when the beast is tamed and will cap at GM.


Stratics Veteran
Good evening , When they first came out you could get some that had 114ish wrest and 110ish tactics.( this was over 10 years ago)..Tygrath has been working on one like it, I think they recoded them since then so its its not possible to get over Gm tactics on them. and better wrest ones are nearing 108ish now( instead of the 114).. you can still buy the really old ones that have the better skills though..I would focus more on the primary stats like HP and str ..the extra skills will save you 100-150ish..but the lesser hiryus that are born near 280-300 HP and 180-200 str will save you 300-900 points effectively nearly granting you an extra lvls worth of points... Be aware if you buy a really old one with these higher skills and really good stats you may have reset it a few times before it hits 5 slot..as they are pron to slot jump..(when this happens you just release and retam and it returns to the right slot).=^-^=
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