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high treason


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i speak of high treason , 1st off i didnt higher the professor , but i should have , queen dawn is a fake anyone that follows a word of a mouse should be lafed out of office LOLOL if dawn was queened from lt of the guards id have not been saying this , but queen dawn is a fake and should be delt with severly if ricardo only could be hired i would have hired him to assassinate queen dawn , the new queen from the gargoyle lands is a better queen then dawn qwill ever be :) , ty for your time : signed
lord sir TEDLEY


Salya Sin

MUAH! HUGS! I'm so glad to be back... as soon as I get my ICQ back up.. which I completely forgot about until I was reminded of it tonight... I'll yell at you!

Treason aside... AND possibly hiring Jenkins.. LOL! How are ya?