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high ping and packet loss


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Normally I ping around 50 to Atlantic, today it's 137 with a 25-50% packet loss. I ran a tracer and this is what came up, but I have no idea what exactly it means. Anyone have an idea?



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Step 1. This is you. You should edit the picture to get rid of step one.

Steps 2-8: These are routers, ISP's or whatever in the area you live in. The difference between any of these two hops should be small. Less than 10 ms per hop can be expected. More than 50ms per hop can be a "suspect" if you have lag.

Steps 9-13: These are the UO server's local routers, ISP's, etc. The thing to note here is the "Level3" which has been known at times in the past to cause packet loss/lag issues. And other times, it runs like a charm. Again, expect low ping differences between each step. If you were European (like me), the difference between local to me and local to the server can be quite large (over 100 ms at bad times for me).

Step 14: This is your problem. You can tell because the size of the hop is 90ms, which is not what you want from a gaming server. Note the ea.com name in the server/router "name". This means that the problem is either at whatever is at IP address #13 or IP address #14. It's not likely that us-as-customers can narrow it down any further, but it is enough to send to EA to say "You need to look into this!"

You do need to be careful in tracing routes, as sometimes there's a step which looks bad, but actually isn't. Having a good benchmark is highly recommended (so you can say "this is the good one, that is what I have now").