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High Guard Charter


Urk of LS

High Guard Charter
Taken from the High Council Charter:
Article 9: The Grand Marshal of Virtue and the High Guard
There shall be a High Guard, commonly known as the HG, charged with enforcement of the law.
The HG shall be based in Serpent's Hold, the stronghold of Courage.
The Grand Marshal of Virtue will be commonly known as the Captain of the Guard, and shall be responsible for operating the HG as defined in its own charter.
In the event that the position of Captain of the Guard becomes vacant, by Removal, Resignation, or Death the High Council shall take open applications from the populace, to include the current Guard and a new Captain of the Guard shall be selected via a 2/3rds majority vote of the High Council.
The HG is empowered and entrusted with investigating criminal activities, arrest of individuals with outstanding warrants, and guarding the members of the High Council and High Court.
The Captain of the Guard is empowered with the responsibility of arresting individuals without warrant if their criminal activities are directly observed, or if the security of the High Council or High Court is threatened. Such arrests are subject to review by the High Justicar.
The High Council shall pass no law, nor take any action, which diminishes or supercedes the authority of the Captain of the Guard and HG.
The Captain of the Guard and the HG are vested with greater authority than any local town guards and officials.
Repeated failure to carry out these duties is grounds for censure and removal from the council.

High Guard Charter
Article I: Attire

Section 1: At High Council meetings, the High Guard uniform must be worn. This is because it must be clear that we are all members of the same unit.

Section 2: The High Guard Uniform shall consist of the following:

Warriors: Gold Plate mail, Gold Order Shield (if applicable), Gold Weapon of Choice, a Dark Red Cloak and Surcoat. Archers may have a quiver in place of the cloak.

Mages: Gold Colored Leather Armor, and a Dark Red Robe.

Section 2 (a): If a Guild that joins the High Guard has an established uniform prior to joining the Guard, Said guild may request and recieve an exemption from the above uniform policies, Such exemptions are to be made by the Captain of the Guard after a review of the Guilds Uniform. The following is a list of guilds that have a Uniform exemption:

1) Leigon of Honor

Section 3: The following is strongly discouraged from wear at High Council meetings, Quivers (execpt by Archers), Shields Except by Melee Warriors, and Crimson Cinitures.

Battle, and any event in which the High Guard is participating in.
Any and all usual adventuring items with one addition. Either, a Dark Red Cloak or Robe.

Section 4: High Guard members should wear the High Guard badge at events (i.e., to have "High Guard" or "HG" in your guild titles somewhere). To require this would be unrealistic, but it is strongly encouraged.

Article II: Formation

Section 1: The High Guard, at the High Council meetings, must appear in proper formation. Warriors, in the front, Mages, behind the warriors and Archers, in the rear. Non Mount pets If present will stand out of the way but still within the Pet Handlers command range. (i.e. Out of the way but close enough to be given commands.), at no time will a High Guard member be mounted during a High Council meeting.

Section 2: High guard members will stand in formation behind the High Council to the right

Section 3: High guard members will stand in formation in correct uniform at Public event.
We are the High Guard and must show unity

Article III: Battle Readiness

Section 1: Members of the High Guard must be equally ready for PvP or PvM combat at all times and in all places, even when off duty. These are dangerous times, and danger can come at any moment. Stay alert and stay in-practice. Things can happen at a moment’s notice.

Section 2: Weekly PvP Practice will be established (and this section amended.), It is most strongly encouraged that the members of the Guard attend these practice sessions. Remember more experienced Players can pass on the lessons they have learned the hard way, Also no matter how much experience you have, it never hurts to learn different ways of doing things.

Article IV: Conduct

Section 1: Members of the High Guard will follow all agreed-upon OOC rules of conduct in battles. These will vary by battle, but almost always include no looting. Within those rules, members shall fight with absolute ruthlessness and determination. Show no mercy, and give no quarter unless you are ordered otherwise.

Section 2: When it’s necessary to take someone alive (an arrest, for example, or if someone has to be captured alive to be questioned), you’ll be informed, so please pay attention. We can’t have you killing the wrong people!

Section 3: Except when ordered otherwise, all prisoners are to be stripped naked and searched thoroughly for anything that could be used as a weapon or spell reagents or the like. They are then to be dressed in simple clothing. Save for the relatively minor humiliation of being naked for a short while, prisoners are to be treated decently and humanely unless and until you hear otherwise.

Section 4: Members of the High Guard will conduct themselves with honor, dignity, and valor, on the battlefield and otherwise. There will be no retreat until retreat has been called. Members must cross-heal and in general work together in the most effective manner possible given the situation. Corpses of fallen foes will not be defiled or looted unless orders to the contrary are given, or unless one is attacking murderers in Felucca on one’s own and not part of a formal Royal Guard expedition.

Section 5: "Blue healing" of murderers in Felucca is forbidden.

Article V: Ranks and Chain of Command

Section 1: The Captain of the Guard, currently Jackson, is Commandant of the High Guard. He answers only to the High Council, chiefly the Minister of Security

Section 2: Each Guild within the High Guard will Assign; 1 Lieutenant, 1 Sergeant and up to 2 Corporals. These Persons will be considered Officers in the High Guard. All other members will be assigned as Guardsman.

Section 3: Members of the High Council (including adjutants) outrank the Captain of the Guard, and High Guard members are expected to follow their orders except in dire circumstances or as otherwise described in this document.

Section 3(a): High Council members shall have the authority to give orders to any High Guard member at any time, with the exception that a High Council member cannot change the overall job description of a High Guard member nor pull a member off a long-term assignment or special duty, without going through the Captain of the Guard first. However, only a matter of extreme urgency can justify a High Guard member refusing a request from a member of the High Council.

Section 4: Field command falls to the person of the highest rank. When the Captain of the Guard is present, He will have overall Comand. If the Cpatain of the Guard is not present the higest ranking Lieutenant will have overall Command, if no Lieutenants are present Command falls to the Sergents and so on.

Section 4 (a): Command Order is determined by the order in which a guild joins the High Guard. At the present time the Order is as follows:
1) First Britannia Volunteers; BFV
2) Legion of Honor ; L*H
3) Wolf Pack ; ~~~

Section 4 (b): Special Ranks; The following is a list of Guard members who hold special rank/title.
Drill Master: The Drill Master is responsible for the training of the Guard for battle, Both PvP and PvM. During drill times the Drill Master is in Overall Command regardless of which officers are in attendance. The Drill Master may hold the rank of an Officer, but it is not a requirement.
Other Specialists will be designated as they are needed.

Section 4(c): Members of the High Council, unless prior orders have dictated otherwise or there are extraordinary circumstances, can take field command of any Royal Guard unit.

Section 4(d): In extraordinary circumstances, a member of the High Council, Captain of the Guard, or and High Guard Officer can take command of any High Guard unit or any member or members of the High Guard, by requesting assistance. Such a request can only be refused for OOC/RL reasons.

Section 4(e): In certain circumstances, for particular expeditions or events, field command will be decided beforehand. In those circumstances, the agreed-upon field command shall stand unless and until a dire circumstance arises that clearly dictates that it be violated.

Section 5: If particular orders for field command have been given in advance, those orders are to be followed regardless of the situation or the composition of the High Guard force.

Section 6: When dealing with a prisoner who is being charged with a criminal offense pursuant to a High Court issued warrant, the High Court has authority over any High Guard member, including t Officers and in some cases even the Captain of the Guard. This is the only instance where the High Guard is directly answerable to the Court. The Court must specifically invoke this Section of the regulations by name (Article V, Section 6) in order to invoke this authority.

Article VI: Rules and Regulations

Section 1: Rules and regulations for the High Guard are to be made by the Captain of the Guard, And approved by the High Council.

Section 2: Laws and other edicts of the High Council override High Guard rules and regulations. On some occasions, the rules and regulations can be overridden by edicts of the High Court. Precedent is shaky on the latter point.

Section 3: The Captain of the Guard and Officers of the of the High Guard may issue provisional or ad hoc regulations as needed. To go beyond provisional, ad hoc, or provisional status and become permanent, a regulation needs to be published and subject to open comment for a reasonable period of time, though final rulemaking authority rests with the Captain of the Guard .

Jackson, First Britannia Volunteers
High Guard, Captain.