All items are located on Atlantic where total transaction will take place. Offers will be accepted in this thread, PM, and ICQ. No low end offers will be accepted.
Specials include disarm and double strike. Double your chances for splintering to go off!
Price: Open to offers
I always wanted to make an awesome archer/disco/tamer but I don't have the time. This +50 skill point ring would be a great start! Disco + All kill while spamming AI.. just consider it
Price: Open to offers
Seems like a very nice PvM ring. 7 mods with 4 MR and tons of Mana Increase = better suit overall.
Price: Start 50m
Specials include bleed and infectious strike.
Price: Start 200m, buy-out 400m
Specials include disarm and double strike. Double your chances for splintering to go off!
Price: Open to offers
I always wanted to make an awesome archer/disco/tamer but I don't have the time. This +50 skill point ring would be a great start! Disco + All kill while spamming AI.. just consider it
Price: Open to offers
Seems like a very nice PvM ring. 7 mods with 4 MR and tons of Mana Increase = better suit overall.
Price: Start 50m
Specials include bleed and infectious strike.
Price: Start 200m, buy-out 400m