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Hiding and Stealth


Stratics Veteran
I discovered a long time ago that with adequate stealth I can cast invisibility on myself and walk in stealth. Current values are
Anatomy 100, Eval Int 120, Inscription 100, Magery 100(120), Meditation 120, Hiding 59.4, Stealth 95.5.

I like that if I die and dont have things re-equipped, I can hide instead of invis but higher priority is being hard to reveal/track. I'm not sure if I have 200 or 205 skill to split between stealth and hiding. Do I go 100/100 or 80-85/120?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Assuming geared for PvM, end result will be dependant upon play style.
Will character be Mounted or Wraith Form?
If Human, can hold Wraith Form with 0 real Necromancy skill. Inscribe scrolls to cast.
If Mounted, then Hiding could be favored over Stealth. Runs at mounted speed, must dismount to stealth.
If Wraith Form, then Stealth could be favored over Hiding. Invis spell or potion, stealth away.
Also, in Wraith Form, Meditation is less important so maxing Hiding/Stealth at the expense of Meditation is also viable.

Sample Wraith Form base skill:
100 Anatomy
120 Evaluate Intelligence
100 Inscription
120 Magery
120 Meditation
40 Hiding(+gear)
120 Stealth

Sample Mounted base skill:
100 Anatomy
120 Evaluate Intelligence
100 Inscription
120 Magery
120 Meditation
100 Hiding
60 Stealth(+gear)

Minimal optional gear required for either Hiding or Stealth.

As an aside, my Ninja-Tamer runs around in Ninja forms with base 100 Hiding/40 Stealth with Stealth bumped to anywhere between 50-100 after gear. Casts spells infrequently and can use Smoke Bombs.
Hope this helps.
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