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[Discussion] Hi, I'm a collector! Part 2


Lore Keeper
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Hey everyone, this is a bit of a reboot of a previous thread where everyone mentioned the items they enjoy collecting. Well this time I'd like to hear what everyone considers their top 5 favorite items in their collection. Not items you wish you owned or items you had but sold years ago. Just items that are part of your collection currently.

My Top 5 Favorites

1. My old footwear (I'm lumping it all together)

2. Double Blessed Sigil Lantern

3. Robe of The Mad Mage

4. Tattered Rotten Garment (cloak)

5. Mesanna's Slippers


Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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My favorites are not my most valuable. I'm a bit of a sentimental lass.

1. Guildstone to The Pacific Trading Company

2. A Moulding Planes of Exceptional Quality

3. Single Malt Whiskey

4. A Katana Made by Steel [Exceptional]

5. Spiced Wintermoor Wine


Social Distancing Since '97
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There are the favorites of my collection (The first 4 being items I obtained myself)

1. In Memory of all the lost rubble of Magincia

2. Ogre's Club

3. Mutated Cat

4. Maiden's Heart, Heart and Soul 2009

5. A Symbol Of What I Tamed On Napa During An EM Event

Demon Wind

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Hi! These are the favorites in my collection.

1. The Robe of Britannia "Ari" (currently on Chessy)

2. Lieutenant of the Britannian Royal Guard (currently on Chessy)

3. Shroud of Tal'keesh (currently on Chessy)

4. Posedion's Treasures (Atlantic)

5. Barely Legible Elixer of Immortality Recipe (Atlantic)


Hi, good topic. :)

1. Big Bad Wolf (1/10)

2. A Worn and Bloody Robe (unique)

3. Royal Britannian Architect (sash) (1/6)
Architecture and Engineering of the Ancients (1/6)(book)
(as a package, could add the Scaffold here)

4. Flame of Time (1/10)

5. Light of Love (1/4)

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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1. An Ancient Lyre Resembling a Coiled Serpent (6)

2. King of Gladiator's (1)* (boots)

3. Lessons On Virtue: A Knights Of The Crux Ansata Interpretation of the Founding Principles (20)

4. Ragalia Of The Knights Of The Crux Ansata (20)

5. A Staff Of The Seers Of The Moonstone (9)

Rare Collector

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Not exactly the rarest items i own or most valuable but my top 5 are:

1. My 2 blaze dogs
2. Phoenix Suit
3. Non replica 3hpi shroud (Item that got me started on collecting rares)
4. All my crux items
5. I Could not see to escape from Mesanna playing roulette


Crazed Zealot
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Not even going to attempt to list my top 5 fav's. I'll kill too many brain cells trying.


Lore Keeper
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My Collection is pretty sentimental as well...

1) The LuT Guildstone-Long personal story behind it.
2) My entire (old) whispering rose collection, as they represent players and friends who have left their mark on the game even when most are long gone. My ultimate favorite rose being a whispering rose from YourLover.
3) My "I Ran Over Grandma" Deer Mask-which gives people a laugh, but also was given to me by a very dear friend.
4) My Dreadmare Nibiru, who is not only a really great horse, but was bought from someone who later became a very great friend (thank you Quacklebush)
5) My crystal ball that says "A snowy Scene of Doom" Yes I know not that rare but still makes me chuckle :)


ill attempt to list my Fav items i have. i have sold off alot but have decided to keep my jewel collection and dresses

1. Santas Ring
2. A fine sewn wedding dress
3. rubble dress
4 My collection of old seer inscribed wedding bands
5 collection of HTML braclets, really like the one that says "Kira Smells Funny" lol


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1. Set of all available (time period and to the best of known records) (blessed) tagged clothing (no exceptional)
2. Set of all available (time period and to the best of known records) of exceptional (blessed) tagged clothing
3. Felucca Victim (states my toons name when asked key word)
4. Gold Tagged Recovered from Shipwreck clothing with (blessed) tag , Tricorne Hat and Skullcap
5. Pair of platemail legs that allow shoes, boots and thigh boots over top (no clue the rarity just fun)


Lore Keeper
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Not exactly the rarest items i own or most valuable
Nor do they have to be. Mine aren't my most valuable, at least not all of them. The purpose of this isn't about drop rates or gold, just what your favorite items are. Everyone has favorites.

Not even going to attempt to list my top 5 fav's. I'll kill too many brain cells trying.
Haha try! However I understand that it may take you a few days.


Lore Master
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Hmm ok here goes.

1) My in game wedding ring, had a real ceremony with GM's involved.
There were like over 50 people mostly from our guild.

2) 2 story statue in a box that was given to me by a friend.

3) My first singing ball I earned from the first turn in. Worked to earn it.

4) My first Valorite hammer, was one of the first on the shard. Brings back
great memories due to all the friends I made that I traded with.

5) Last but not least my xmas statue collection, which at times kept me
playing UO when most of my friends left for WOW. It's a collection
that I will never complete but I get one step closer every year!


Lore Keeper
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Hmm ok here goes.

5) Last but not least my xmas statue collection, which at times kept me
playing UO when most of my friends left for WOW. It's a collection
that I will never complete but I get one step closer every year!
*Blinks* You mean you don't now have every statue out there? What could you possibly be missing???? =oP


Hard to decide!!

1. My entire Rubble collection!! (not nearly the biggest or best but I love the stuff)

2. Love's Devotion

3. Flying Piglet (my mom's favorite animal)

4. Pixiechaun (a gift from an old friend)

5. "To Have and To Hold" (wedding ring from my UO wedding to my RL Hubby!)


Slightly Crazed
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My favorite

1. Gingerbread Cookies (I am looking for purple Cookie)
2. Scrolls
3. Abyss house
4. Light Of New year Lantern
5. Magical Dress Form Of The Valiant Little Tailor


Lore Master
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*Blinks* You mean you don't now have every statue out there? What could you possibly be missing???? =oP
:) well I have all the names that's true. But I am collecting all the names
with all the colors and in both directions. Which amount to a total of
1140 possible differant combinations of xmas statues.

Oh and for those who have never seen or have not seen Manticore's museum
on Baja outside the gates of Umbra. It's a must see wahoo it's just simply
something that words would not do it justice!