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hi everyone

  • Thread starter Sheriff Tricky
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Sheriff Tricky

So not exactly sure how long it has been exactly since I last posted, but I wanted to pop in to say hi and to just update everyone on my life.

Still teaching English and loving it, except for grading state tests that are going to keep me out of my classroom for three whole days before break :yell:. For those of you that know the issues I had last year in this same school district, this means getting stuck in the same room with the witch (with a b) I had to deal with last year for three days straight.

Since leaving TT, I have joined a karate studio and already made yellow belt. I am two katas away from advancing to the orange belt (3rd level up).

I will be coaching boys varsity track at my school this coming spring, the work has already started for that. Especially since the girls varsity coach is resigning to take another coaching job, which leaves me with all the prep work.

Currently waiting on getting my 2nd tattoo. I will be getting that over my February break. I wish I could show you a pic now but the guy made an original drawing out of the design I showed him, so I couldn't take a copy of it out of the studio for obvious reasons (price shopping). Oh well, I'll show you the finished version. It started out as a ying yang with the tiger and dragon on it with three words in Japanes around it: (faith, balance, and wisdom) but the artist actually turned the tiger and dragon themselves into the ying yang. I am UBER excited about this tattoo.

I may finally be getting a GF, let's see how that goes. I am just playing things by ear and just letting things flow naturally.

I feel better than I have about myself and my life than I have in a LONG time. Just ask Trish how I was when we first met...I was a mess!

I can definetely say I miss you guys, unfortunately not the game. I have been keeping up a little bit on the boards here just reading and talking with Chanty on YIM. If you want my YIM address it is Sherriff Tricky.

I am glad to see everyone is doing so well and enjoying life as much as I am. Even if I am not on my YIM, it is set up to IM me to my cell...so IM me anytime.


Wow - another one does the opposite of bites the dust! Glad to hear from you! Old friends are popping up all over!

Ugly Wrinkleflip

Glad to hear that everything is going so well. It is always great to move forward in life.

Congrats on the Karate belts. That takes alot of effort and concentraition.

Hope all stays on the up and up for you.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Toontown or not, you're still my duckie :) Glad to hear it's going well over there!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sounds like your "ducks" are in a row! Work, karate, the tattoo, girlfriend, all good news. Let us see the tattoo when it's done and healed!


Hiya Eric! Glad to hear things are going well . :D Can't wait to see the tat.


Glad to hear from you man! I still havent deleted you off my friends list, just in case you change your mind!

Little Sadie

I'm happy to hear your life is going well! I want to see a pic of that tattoo. It sounds really cool. I miss you on TT. Good luck on that orange belt!:fight:


Hi Eric,
Good to hear from you. Really glad everything is falling into place for you. The martial arts is a real good thing for body and soul! Keep it up! I will also keep you on my friends list! You were one of my first, so there is always a buddy for ya!
Take care, hope to see ya on TT sometime!

Sheriff Tricky

My first attempt at posting the pic of my tattoo...

The Japanese word underneth means balance.