I was a huge fan of the single player games what seems like ages past now. I acquired UO, I'm not sure when, on my computer some time ago and never managed to get it to work. I thought it was broke and never got it to work.... I couldn't even explain how this happened. But, smiles of smiles, in trying to clean up my hard drive and getting ready to remove files, I was sent to pages and sources and figured out I was missing a client! Been at it for a couple days, and not gonna lie, it was a wall-meets-head frustrating first experience. But stubborn as I am, and having found info I muchly needed, and that a community that seemed nonexcistant still exists, I very much want to reach out and connect! I'm on Lake Superior (don't hold me to it) but looking for peeps to play with. I've managed to figure out the basics, have been playing a samurai, about to throw chivalry in (keep reading about this template) and wouldn't mind starting over on another shard. I'm always looking for some decent rp, not much into powergaming, but the actual experience. Where would y'all suggest a move that offers a great guild and community? I'm still on the trial, but would definitely invest if I could find a semi active group. Can anyone give some great suggestions!? Help me figure and find the better intricacies hidden in UO!?