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Hey Mac Geeks, looky what I bought!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I had a small tradgedy on Sunday when my beloved PowerBook 520c committed Apple-cide on me and the monitor came unhinged from the keyboard! Don't ask, I was playing Scrabble, went to get some water, came back and I ended up with this:

Needless to say it doesn't work anymore! I love these old Macs though, you can play the cool old school games on them. Plus you don't have to worry about hurting them, as I only payed $20 for the thing to begin with.

So I went on an Ebay hunt for a replacement and upgraded a bit.

Powerbook G3 400mhz
128 Mb RAM
OS 8.6
CD-ROM, however I think this model has the capability for a hot swap DVD drive if I so desired.
Unknown HD Size- The seller didn't know how to find out! But I'm thinking 4GB-6GB.
Comes in original box as well as with the original manuals.

After a small bidding war I won for $58+Shipping! These things sold for $2499 in 2000, and I wanted one then, but didn't have $2499!
So I'll try one 9 years later for $58! It was shipped out UPS today, so should be here early next week.

Just thought I'd share my geeky excitement with you all. KTHX BAI! :thumbup:


LOL what a bad game of Scrabble that musta been if it encouraged the 'puter to off itself.
Hope you like your new one!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I will take that as a compliment! :lick:

I received it already via the big brown truck! Dats fast shipping. Whoever had it took really good care of it, literally no scratches. The battery is of course dead, but I didn't expect it to work. The hard drive is 10GB. It's got Microsoft Office for Mac installed, which is nice. The keyboard is a "Sexy" bronze color. The internet browsing is ancient, however I can now get back to playing Scrabble Deluxe! :eyes:

Sally Bumblefoot

Awww......sorry your puter bit the dust! But I'm glad you found another one! We have some games that wont play on our newer computers either. They were so much fun. I found someone that wrote a patch that will allow me to play my favorite OLD windows game on Vista. Unfortunately I use the Mac now!!! Figures!:twak:

Crazy Fireball

I will take that as a compliment! :lick:

I received it already via the big brown truck! Dats fast shipping. Whoever had it took really good care of it, literally no scratches. The battery is of course dead, but I didn't expect it to work. The hard drive is 10GB. It's got Microsoft Office for Mac installed, which is nice. The keyboard is a "Sexy" bronze color. The internet browsing is ancient, however I can now get back to playing Scrabble Deluxe! :eyes:
And playing farmtown! :eyes: