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hey guys!!

  • Thread starter omaretto88
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was wondering where is this shard situated?? im from australia would i get lag? n can any1 pls gimme a link of the website where u can download everything abt this shard?? thx in advance :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This shard is located in SF California, (correct me if im wrong) it's in Cali' for sure.
You can download the client, just google "Ultima Online Mondains Legacy download" You'll find it in the first 5 links.
But yes you will lag horribly if you play over here Australia is like thousands of miles away from the server, you will ping 200+.

Before you start playing here.

Open CMD, Type in- "Ping Pacific.owo.com" no quotes. That's what your ping is.


I belive Oceania is based in Austrailia..

Or at least a ton of people from there play on it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
heavens angel is form there an she pings pretty bad, but she still plays here an enjoys it she can move so so. if u just pvm i dont see u haven anny issues but if u are tryen to pvp forget about it.