1. Not everyone reads Stratics, nor should they have to. Folks pay EA to play the game and EA is solely responsible for informing players of upcoming events in a timely manner.
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If it is their responsibility to communicate these things, isn't it up to EA/Mythic and the UO team to decide how and where to do so? It's been pretty clear for years now that UO Devs and the Live Team communicate with the playerbase through these forums, and more specifically through the U.Hall for everything from player feedback to discussion on policies and yes, even live event announcements, too.
Years. You seem peeved that people have to come to Stratics for that type of interaction with the Developers, but sans official forums of their own, this is where EA/Mythic chooses to interact with the community.
2. Not everything posted to Stratics is factual information. Even folks like myself that try to keep up have a hard time sorting through all the speculation and gossip.
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I can totally understand that... It's hard enough for us staff to keep up, too at times. But we do have search functions to assist with finding specific information and then there is
this link that cuts through all the crap and takes you right to all of the EA/Mythic Representatives' posts here on the UO Stratics forums. That link is found on the
http://uo.stratics.com home page... news, developments, discussion straight from the horses' mouths.
3. This isn't the first time this issue has been brought up... there is nice Patch Message screen that EVERYONE gets to see and that has absolutely no information on this event.
I'm one of the lucky ones. I have friends who Q'ed me and said "Hey come to Moonglow and bring blackrock!" But I'm still a casual player and like other casual players I would like to see more advance notice and better info from EA.
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I agree with this as well... Some shards had specific systems put into place by the EMs that many of us were used to checking, too. It would be nice to see those systems revived. Town criers for sure should be used for things like this... and fixed if they are currently broken, which is what I seem to recall for some reason.