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Hey Don Legacy Lesser Hiryu Question :)


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I found a old Bushi Character with a nice stat lesser hiryu and turned the character into a tamer. So I start training the old lesser (Goes back to Early SE Launch) and he is a 3 slot but has the stats of a 1 slot. So I released him but decided to re tame him just to see what would happen. Stats remained the same, skills dropped down into the low 40s (He had 108 Wr and 102 Tactics after the tame). And he dropped down to 1 slot. Will his wrestle and tactics train back up to 108/102? Don't even know if tactics on them spawn over 100 anymore, I have tamed hundreds and not gotten one over 100 tactics. I have left all of my other legacy pets alone like the ancient WWs and Mares. But got a wild hair with this one and am not sure what to make of what happned with him.


Stratics Veteran
Good evening, Tyrath, The good news is when you do a reset like that the skills caps are saved.. just before you add any PS to him work his skills back to max or it will not round up and save you the points... but yes once you work his skill back up it should only charge you 100 points for 120 wrest and 150 for 120 tactics.. a nice 150 points saved on that beauty =^-^=
P.s. before you add a 120 parry to it try and work it past GM often those pre 97 ones will go to 120 without a PS and those are the ones often effected by the karma bug.. so if you intend to make it chiv you will have to get good karma before you are offered the option. =^-^=
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Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good evening, Tyrath, The good news is when you do a reset like that the skills caps are saved.. just before you add any PS to him work his skills back to max or it will not round up and save you the points... but yes once you work his still back up it should only charge you 100 points for 120 wrest and 150 for 120 tactics.. a nice 150 points saved on that beauty =^-^=
P.s. before you add a 120 parry to it try and work it past GM often those pre 97 ones will go to 120 without a PS and those are the ones often effective by the karma bug.. so if you intend to make it chiv you will have to get good karma before you are offered the option. =^-^=
That sounds great and I love saving points almost as much as saving money on car insurance :)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL I am about ready to give up on this one. I trained him from 1-2 on Dread Pirates as usual, he got .35 per gain from 1-2 (Normal is 1.4 per gain). So I finally get him to 2 slot train him like have done every other in round 1 and he jumps to four slots when done. So I release him again and retame and he is back to 2 slots. Back to the ship and the DPs and he is gaining .15 per gain 2-3 (Normally .70) If I have the patience to take him from 2-3 I am betting he jumps to 5 slotand wonder if another release would drop him back to the correct 3 slots and then I wonder if from 3-4 if he would gain the normal 2.5 per gain or if he would follow the current trend and drop to like .05 per gain LOL. The question here is Does my wondering these things trump my patience in dealing with one that is obviously VERY BUGGY :)


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
I saw a returning player with an old Cu that had 630 HP. He had 3 others that were crap. We released all and re tamed. The others went to 3 slot. The good one stayed 4...

I have a black Cu that jumped slots a long time ago. I am human so I cant re tame it. Maybe I get someone else to do it and see what happens.


Stratics Veteran
The karma bug is when the game reads your karma instead of that of your pet... so when you have bad karma sometimes you lose the option to add chiv skill to your pet.. so you have to make it good then the option returns.. =^-^=


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Took all day letting the lesser beat on a DP but I did and he jumped to 5 slot as I expected. Released and tamed him again and he dropped back to 3 slots and gets .01 gains from DPs and Navrey now LOL. He is going to the stable for some day when I am REALLY REALLY REALLY bored..... and then I will work on getting him to 4 slot :)