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sooo, i was super bored this morning, and I made a 'freecreditreport.com' profile, and... actually.. It WAS as easy as the annoying commercial makes it seem, and every bit as helpful. . . Pretty snazzy, you should try it out.
I'm at 735 and nothing bad on my report! joy.

Eyes of Origin

sooo, i was super bored this morning, and I made a 'freecreditreport.com' profile, and... actually.. It WAS as easy as the annoying commercial makes it seem, and every bit as helpful. . . Pretty snazzy, you should try it out.
I'm at 735 and nothing bad on my report! joy.
missing uo yet? ;)


Yeah but the 12$ or what ever a month is kinda lame. Also when you go to cancel it and some guy or gal with a strong middle eastern accent say why do you want to cancel this. Ohh if you dont cancel we will lower your payment to 3$ for the next 6 months...It really annoys me. Pfft us gov wonders why there is so much identity theft and people in America out of jobs.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Every consumer is entitled to a FREE copy of their credit report once a year. You can go to annualcreditreport.com - You can pull all 3 bureaus at once or you can pull just one and then monitor your credit by pulling the 2nd bureau a few months later.