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helpful hints anyone?

  • Thread starter imported_kray2s
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Hi i was looking for some info if anyone could be so kind to help me out?

first- we all know about the "old" rare items that are in existance - BUT - Except the obvious things (like limited items - only so many given out) - how do u know what to look for when assessing if something is how do u put it - worth keeping as a rare of the future? (for example in the tokuno event just how many major rewards were handed out?)

2nd - with the price of transfer tokens being 8 to 10 mill on europa how do you make cross sharding viable? it a 20 mill round trip??? Is it better to start a new char on a shard and let them collect items - then going to meet them with another char and handing it over so to speak - or do u just pick a shard and send one of your chars over there in hope of finding things?

just looking for info as i said before as i want to start finding more items myself, and also because im new at this!

Oh 1 last thing if i was to go to another shard with a new or exisistind char - where would be a good place to go? is there any active shards when it comes to EM events where u can stand a chance of winning these items i see spoken of? as europa seems to have very little except events that happen on every shard like this rubble thing etc

ty for any help given



first- we all know about the "old" rare items that are in existance - BUT - Except the obvious things (like limited items - only so many given out) - how do u know what to look for when assessing if something is how do u put it - worth keeping as a rare of the future? (for example in the tokuno event just how many major rewards were handed out?)

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In terms of the current on-going shard wide events its difficult to tell if an item will actually spawn in numbers low enough to be considered a rare. Generally any items given out at these events will spawn in at least moderate numbers if not significantly more..

As far as the Treasure of Tokuno items are concerned...pick a number, if you recall during both part I and II minors were found on mobs, once you had 10 minors you could then trade them for one major. While certain items were more popular and in greater demand than others its impossibly to determine exactly what people chose and in what quantities.


2nd - with the price of transfer tokens being 8 to 10 mill on europa how do you make cross sharding viable? it a 20 mill round trip??? Is it better to start a new char on a shard and let them collect items - then going to meet them with another char and handing it over so to speak - or do u just pick a shard and send one of your chars over there in hope of finding things?

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Most collectors generally don't x-shard unless they are going to purchase an item that they have worked out a deal on, and often you expect to be eating the cost of the transfer in order to obain the item. Although this is not necessary, you can of course bring extra money and use it to purchase other items you come across to resell and therefore cover the cost of your xfers.

I suppose you could create a char on a new shard, but that 1k you get to start with wont last you to long if you're buying rares, although you could certainly use it to collect holiday gifts.


Oh 1 last thing if i was to go to another shard with a new or exisistind char - where would be a good place to go? is there any active shards when it comes to EM events where u can stand a chance of winning these items i see spoken of? as europa seems to have very little except events that happen on every shard like this rubble thing etc

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the EM program was cancelled....the only events that still occur are the universal ones that take place on all shards....