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If I have 2 houses on Catskills and have another character on TC1, can I make a house on TC1 without it deleting my other 2 houses?? Pls reply.


Test Center houses do not count towards your "real" account housing quota, so you can always safely place a house on TEST CENTER regardless of any other houses you may own on real shards. However, housing placement on Test Center has been broken for the last 3 weeks or so, and the natives are getting restless.
Bug reports have been sent.



"However, housing placement on Test Center has been broken for the last 3 weeks or so, and the natives are getting restless. Bug reports have been sent."

What do you mean by this?


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
<font color="purple"> since the first day or two of the most recent test center shard the housing tool does not work.... you can *almost* place a house, meaning you can see whether it will fit or not, but it will not place.... and you will get a message to try again in a few minutes... and as noted by Skylark, some of us have been getting that message for three weeks now </font>


Oh, I see. Thank you. I just wanted to make sure that a house on TC1 wouldn't destroy my other houses. Thx.



Oh, I see. Thank you. I just wanted to make sure that a house on TC1 wouldn't destroy my other houses. Thx.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry if I confused you...to clarfy, it is SAFE to place a house on test center, in terms of not affecting your housing status on "real" shards, but when the housing placement system isn't available on Test, you can't place there. And someone in support is just asking to get bonked in the head with a deco tool, if that doesn't get fixed soon. Er, not that I would know anything about such violence.



I placed one on tc...I can try to transfer it to you if you wish



I placed one on tc...I can try to transfer it to you if you wish

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks a bunch for the offer...but I actually have 2 custom plots up on TC (one is tiny, the other is an 18X18), so I at least have something to work with now that the issue with customize mode on TC has been fixed. But while I am not totally deprived of test housing as some are, I just like to be able to try different types of houses, sometimes classic ones, especially if someone asks about something specific, and also sometimes need to place in Fel to test security (I felt very silly the first time I made a house on TC and then asked someone to help me test the ability for any occupants to withstand an assault, only to realize we were under Trammel ruleset where I built it, and so much for testing that...exclusively playing Siege makes one forget about those minor details.



Could test it with a guild war in Tram.

Create a guild, have someone else create a guild, then do the war option. Works great. =)