I have to differ on some of GFY's recommendations.
I agree with the skills, but differ slightly on the stats.
I definitely think the equipment suggestions are a bit insane, as it would take close to 100 million gold to build the character (equipment & powerscrolls), BEFORE trying for crafted pieces to bring up the resists. GFY's recommending a finished high-end character's equipment, to someone still building a character, and still getting used to the AOS ruleset, which is a bit rushing things.
I'd do the stats this way:
100/100/25 (100/100/30 after the +5 "6th month bonus" kicks in). Then, when you use a powerscroll, put everything into dexterity. Without the resist spells skill, you'll need a little extra room for dealing with curses (curse, clumsy) lowering your dex/stamina, and to a lesser extent the other stats. After a +25 stat scroll, you'd be 100/125/30.
The crazy way that the special move cost reduction works (see the special moves in the purple book on the paperdoll) in relation to races, means that samurais pretty much are born to be Elves, silly as that sounds. Their three main skills (bushido, parry, weapon) all count toward the bonuses.
I agree on the Stormgrip gloves, and the Totem of the void talisman. Everything else, though, is a bit nuts. DEFINITELY get the Crimson Cincture, but try to get it through peerless, instead of paying the obscene prices you'll see for it.
I prefer the Voice of the Fallen King gorget over the jackal's collar. The jackal will interfere with what little normal mana regeneration you would have without meditation or focus skill, and it gives HP & stamina regen as well.
I also would, if one can be found, get the OTHER Treasures of Tokuno Do initially. The Ancient Samurai Do has much better resists than the rune beetle carapace, and a +10 to parry skill. Once you've improved the OTHER parts of your suit, then get the Carapace. and tweak your suit to fit. Heart of the lion's also good, for the DCI, but I rarely use it anymore - it's also cheaper than either of the Do.
IF you don't use the Heart of the Lion for the DCI, something to look at (though weak in terms of resists) is the Fey Leggings. It gives 20% DCI. You may end up trading these out later for something with better resists and regeneration properties, but they are really good for a starting character, and cheap.
When starting out, consider the Aegis of Grace minor artifact circlet. it will give you another 20% DCI as well, and it will take you a while to save up gold for GFY's headgear recommendations (or to get the mace & shield glasses via donations at the library). Once you can get a Spirit of the totem, it will free up a lot of other things (the combat bonuses are great) - but its resists really suck, other than the physical. You may find a different headgear more appropriate.
Ring of the vile is good, but expensive, unless you get lucky in Doom.
Initially craft your crafted armor pieces using Barbed Leather, and a Horned Runic, if you have a tailor. Runics were changed to have higher base property intensities and all the tailor & smith runics cap out at 100%, so some truly outstanding pieces can be made with a horned runic. Once you get everything into the ballpark that GFY recommends for your bonuses (the LMC, resists, etc. HCI & DCI only comes from weapons, shields, jewelry and artifacts), then look at get barbed runics to try to improve the suit.