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help with lost box...



I'm a Veteran UO player that hasnt played since 2006. I wanted to get back into it so I found my Eight Age disks but my wife threw away the paperwork and boxes. Any advice. I was going to update to the newest version anyway when I start playing but not sure what do do to get the game installed. Any Advice? Thanks everyone...


if you have your account ready to reactivate, go here and pick a client to download ...

If you want just a 14-day trial account, then use the key on the web page. There will be patches but nowhere near what you'd encounter by loading 8th Age.

Classic Client (CC) is what you will remember, however the Enhanced Client (EC, aka Stygian Abyss client) has a somewhat different look/feel. You might want to give both a try ... and the EC has an entire forum for it ... including skin mods and such.