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help with kr and dark knight


UO Forum Moderator
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Ok so I finally start my seventh slot in the hopes that I can kill the DK and finally get to a level that I think I can kill him so I go to bank and get rune then a recall scroll cast on the rune and it changes color to dark (malas color) and says yo cannot recal from this object at this time I have had someone tell me that because I failed the first attempt that the rune is now bugged is this so and does anyone know of a way around this? besides deleting my character and starting over!


Babbling Loonie
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This is a bug with the dark knight quest that has been in there since it was introduced. It has been reported so many times it is 'impossible' to count and as yet there is still no 'fix' for it.

The rune you have will never 'refresh' so the only alternative is to delete the character and start over if you have no other char slots available (if you have soulstones you may be able to stone the skills and replace them once you do, although you must do this before taking any new player training quests or you can't use the stones) also make sure you never 'fizzle' on whichever type of recall you use, as a fizzle basically kills the quest as well.

This is not the way to get 'new' players into UO by giving them a bugged 'quest' as an introduction. Hopefully in SA they will finally FIX it.

Sorry can't give you any better news :(

This is the one bug in KR that really riles me, as it is the 'first' actual quest any new player is likely to attempt. It is just plain shoddy that after numerous reports it is as it was two years ago. You sometimes have to *wonder* if EA wants new players or not.


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Thank you missecho for the reply this is what I was afraid of! but as a long time vet of the game and seeing as I have nothing better to do as I post here all day and night long it is obveous I have the time to try and convince them to fix this I think maybe 3 or 4 emails aday and constant gm paging should get there attention and not to mention I have links to some of the other sites where the higher ups hang i may resort to there to ! so all in all maybe It will be a year but I promise I will have a answer and will post it here!


Babbling Loonie
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yeah well he's been busy for 2 yrs.

Don't get me wrong, I think the new 'dev team' is really making an effort, but in this one respect they are letting the whole team down, themselves, the potential new players and the existing player base who are dying for new blood.

It is just my opinion but I consider new players the one area where everyone should do their best to ensure they get in and stay in long enough to get addicted. New Players should be the one area that is attended to as a FIRST priority to ensure they have a great experience and want to invest their gaming dollar. I think I do my bit, in the ways I can, and I figure it really is everyone's responsibility if they 'love' UO to do the same.

That includes the Devs and letting the first New player quest be broken, not for one year, but for two years is just as I said really shoddy and saddens me.


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yes I agree with something this easy to fix it is obvious they dont give a $#@% about players at all especially new ones


Crazed Zealot
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I suspect the dark knight quest was one of the casualties of the team/company upheavals after KR was released - the development of New Haven and the whole new player experience stalled midway through completion. It will be interesting to see if there is going to be an overhaul with SA or if this will be a seperate problem to address.


UO Forum Moderator
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hopefully they do something I am more than just a little dissapointed ! after all this time I have never been dissapointed with this game till now!