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Help with Fullscreen problem


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I switched to fullscreen while playing UO and now I can't get the window to open. It will patch and as soon as it gets ready to go to the login screen, my screen turns black and then minimizes to the bottom. I can't log into
UO 2d or Kingdom Reborn. Did it change the display settings on my computer? Everything else looks the same. Is there a way to change the resolution and turn off fullscreen without logging in?

Old Man of UO

I'm confused... which client did you switch to full screen? You are having problems with both clients, or just one, after changing only one to full screen? If neither works, I am thinking something else is wrong.

You can delete the character folders and try restarting the game, but back up your macros first.

And yes, there are file settings that you can change without entering the game first, but it depends on which client you are talking about.

Nine Dark Moons

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
try right-clicking on the minimized page icon on your task bar, and click either "restore" or "open" - that's worked for me in the past. but for me, that has happened after the game loads, not before i've logged in - the screen will immediately minimize and i can hear the game, but can't see it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was in the 2d client when I changed it to fullscreen. As soon as I hit the okay button the screen blanked out and minimized. I tried what you suggested NDM, and didn't work. What suprised me was that it affected the KR client also. I was going to use KR until I got this problem fixed, but can't use it either. Same thing happens. I'll try deleting the character folders for 2d and see if that helps. Thanks for the advice and I'll post back when I get done.

Nine Dark Moons

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i *think* i remember someone having the same type of issue a while back (last year maybe?) - you might find some info using the advanced search option. that really sucks - it sounds really frustrating! hopefully someone will see this and know how to resolve it. i guess worst case scenario you could remove UO from your computer and reload it, but that's a real pain.

update - ok, found a couple - i'll keep looking a little more - maybe something in these threads can help you?




Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I deleted the folders and still doesn't work. I think I would cry if I had to re-install either client. Especially since I have dial-up right now. Took long enough with DSL, lol!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was in the 2d client when I changed it to fullscreen. As soon as I hit the okay button the screen blanked out and minimized. I tried what you suggested NDM, and didn't work. What suprised me was that it affected the KR client also. I was going to use KR until I got this problem fixed, but can't use it either. Same thing happens. I'll try deleting the character folders for 2d and see if that helps. Thanks for the advice and I'll post back when I get done.
I am fairly certain there is an .ini or .cfg file in your UO directory that you can edit and set the Full Screen to false.

This should not have happened to you. The fact that it did suggest that something happened that your not aware of. One such thing may be a conflict in the screen resolution that is causing either UO or Windows to attempt to put up some kind of warning message. This of course would cause the full screen system to be minimized.

Now if that is the case then the question becomes what was the error or informational message that was trying to be displayed.

Do you happen to know what your Video system is? Like a separate NVidia card or an on board Video system etc. ?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Weird. Everything else on the PC works fine? Internet is fine and other programs are fine?

Which windows are you using? Windows XP or Windows Vista?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I switched it from 32 bit to 16 bit to see if it would work, nada. Resolution is set to 1024 by 768. I have Windows Vista Home Premium, 8GB DDR2 ,640 GB Hard Drive, Core 2 Quad, Nvidia GeForce GT 120. and have a 22 inch widescreen monitor.
Everything else works great. No other problems.
This is what is in the directory:
- <Graphics>
<Mode window_frame="true" fullscreen="true" />
<FullScreen width="1280" height="1024" />
<Windowed width="1008" height="732" />

Old Man of UO

Okay, this is probably a stretch... but so far nothing else is working for you. Stratics has a guide on the 2D client configuration file:

Search for the file UO.cfg
Save a copy of this file as a backup - if you make a mess you will have to restore it or re-install
Open the UO.cfg with Notepad

Look for the line: FullScreen=on
change the =on to =off
Save without changing the file name or location.

Also, look at the last lines of this file for the screen resolution. It should be something like:

Now, it is possible that this file is corrupted, in which case you need to reinstall it. WARNING - this file has your account name in it - don't send or post it without deleting that first.

Old Man of UO

I switched it from 32 bit to 16 bit to see if it would work, nada. Resolution is set to 1024 by 768. I have Windows Vista Home Premium, 8GB DDR2 ,640 GB Hard Drive, Core 2 Quad, Nvidia GeForce GT 120. and have a 22 inch widescreen monitor.
Everything else works great. No other problems.
This is what is in the directory:
- <Graphics>
<Mode window_frame="true" fullscreen="true" />
<FullScreen width="1280" height="1024" />
<Windowed width="1008" height="732" />
That looks like the UserSettings.xml file from KR.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you all for your help, and I did what Old Man of UO said. It worked! Both the fullscreen res and window size were 800x600. I edited the settings to "off" and it worked like a charm. Thanks again!! :)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I switched it from 32 bit to 16 bit to see if it would work, nada. Resolution is set to 1024 by 768. I have Windows Vista Home Premium, 8GB DDR2 ,640 GB Hard Drive, Core 2 Quad, Nvidia GeForce GT 120. and have a 22 inch widescreen monitor.
Everything else works great. No other problems.
This is what is in the directory:
- <Graphics>
<Mode window_frame="true" fullscreen="true" />
<FullScreen width="1280" height="1024" />
<Windowed width="1008" height="732" />
Some of this is none of my business :)

I would think that the native resolution on a 22 inch screen would be 1680x1050 or some thing close to that. You might want to set the screen resolution to that setting at 32 bits. 16 vs 32 Bit would not affect the issue.

I am assuming (because I am no were near a UO directory) the included screen information is from some UO file. I notice a discrepancy between the expected (1280x1024 typical 19 inch lcd screen) resolution vs the actual resolution (1024x768).

This could cause the problem (although if things were programed right it shouldn't).

Also if switching the resolution to at least 1280x1024 does not solve the problem, then right click the uo.exe in the UO directory and go to properties (this should not be required but .....)

Set the Run as Administrator check box.

Set the compatibility to Windows XP sp 3.

Then try that.

I do not use Vista but I do run Windows 7 and I have not had to use either of those two features.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nice, she has 8GB ram. I'm hoping it's Vista 64 bit Home Premium.
That's a sweet computer Ankanna.

Did you play with the resolutions at different settings? Like move the slider ALL the way to the right and if it looks ok, THEN launch KR and see if you can "see" the KR window (or 2D).
I've had times when program windows would go into the ether, and then find them when changed the resolutions around.

Old Man of UO

I am assuming (because I am no were near a UO directory) the included screen information is from some UO file. I notice a discrepancy between the expected (1280x1024 typical 19 inch lcd screen) resolution vs the actual resolution (1024x768).
The KR client file UserSettings.xml has that information. The 2D client does not need or use it, rather fixes the window size in the UO.cfg file.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The KR client file UserSettings.xml has that information. The 2D client does not need or use it, rather fixes the window size in the UO.cfg file.
Yeah I kind of thought that but with the .... what ever they did when they went to "c:\users\....\ea\..." construct they may have switched to saving things in an xml format..

Regardless (meaning I agree with Hildebrand that is a very nice system and better be Vista 64) I would think that with that system running KR at the native screen resolution, full screen would be .... the way to go for KR and if in the 2D client set the Full screen size to 1024x768.

What is kind of puzzling is why a KR setting would have an affect on the 2D settings.

Old Man of UO

What is kind of puzzling is why a KR setting would have an affect on the 2D settings.
Me too! THAT is why I think something else is going on... I believe something in the windows system changed, like screen resolution. But everything posted so far is easy to verify and shouldn't crash the system.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Me too! THAT is why I think something else is going on... I believe something in the windows system changed, like screen resolution. But everything posted so far is easy to verify and shouldn't crash the system.
I agree :thumbsup:


I wouldn't want to point at the UO code but ......

I sure do hope the new SA Client is a .... well more Windows Compliant :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm not sure which resolution will look best, yet. And yes, it is Vista 64 bit Home Premium. I loooooove my computer. :) Thanks for the help you guys! All better now.


Don't know if it matters, but could having the 2D and KR client in the same folder cause some kind of conflict with srceen resolutions?

Old Man of UO

Don't know if it matters, but could having the 2D and KR client in the same folder cause some kind of conflict with srceen resolutions?
hmm... maybe, but I doubt it. The user settings and files names are completely different. The 2D client uses a uo.cfg file, while the KR client uses a UserSettings.xml file... Still, I don't think that is a good idea.


Just an FYI, but if you press ALT-ENTER (together) it will switch between full screen and windowed... I know this was fixed through modifying the config file, but this would hae corrected it as well.