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Help! Packetloss...


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have substantial packetloss as seen here:
Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 780, Received = 546, Lost = 234 (30% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 43ms, Maximum = 67ms, Average = 47ms
When I connect through my router it is the second hop that is causing the problem. When I connect directly to my modum it becomes the first hop.
Is this IP/Hop actually my modum?
I realize this is a general question but I have no idea where to start.
I can get another modum if necessary but if it's the connection to the pole or some other gateway I am not going to bother.
The cable company says it is not their problem.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have substantial packetloss as seen here:
Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 780, Received = 546, Lost = 234 (30% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 43ms, Maximum = 67ms, Average = 47ms
When I connect through my router it is the second hop that is causing the problem. When I connect directly to my modum it becomes the first hop.
Is this IP/Hop actually my modum?
I realize this is a general question but I have no idea where to start.
I can get another modum if necessary but if it's the connection to the pole or some other gateway I am not going to bother.
The cable company says it is not their problem.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
it does seem that way.
you running xp , vista or 7 ? has this been going on for a while ? cable or dsl ? if xp or vista, I would run a tweak test from dslreports.com from their tool section. sometimes a misconfigured rwin or mtu can result in packet loss and retransmits. If you have dsl, plain ole telephone wire(pots) easily gets effected by rain and wind, any audible noise on the phone line?


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Three computers, two with XP one with Vista. Same result on all of them.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Three computers, two with XP one with Vista. Same result on all of them.
did this just start happening ? that's the most important question.

when you called your cable co, did they do a line test ? attenuation is common with cable internet just as it is with cable tv.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It just started a few days ago. I thought it might be from the heat (heat index here is about 110F)
It is pretty sporatic and comes and goes quite randomly (for instance right now the connection is fine).
When I call the cable company they have me do the usual rebooting the modum/router and tell me they dont see a problem on their end. By the time I am done arguing my case to them the connection is better... only to get bad again tomorrow or later in the evening.
Does any of this make sense? lol
I can't imagine the problem is with my hardware.... otherwise it wouldn't go back to being good right?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It just started a few days ago. I thought it might be from the heat (heat index here is about 110F)
It is pretty sporatic and comes and goes quite randomly (for instance right now the connection is fine).
When I call the cable company they have me do the usual rebooting the modum/router and tell me they dont see a problem on their end. By the time I am done arguing my case to them the connection is better... only to get bad again tomorrow or later in the evening.
Does any of this make sense? lol
I can't imagine the problem is with my hardware.... otherwise it wouldn't go back to being good right?
well I personally have seen components migrate enough heat over time to have an effect on performance. 110f ambient heat is indeed warm and I'm sure the modem is warm to the touch. I would separate and unstack router and modem and stand modem on its side end if possible, with nothing crowding it.
when you unplug it, it may have a chance to cool down. that's why when you plug it back in after x amount of time it seems to work better, aside from simply re-syncing. so the problem could very well be the hardware but only because excessive heat is pushing it over the edge. direct a lil fan on it if you can, sometimes that's all it takes to fix things with components that begin to act like passive heat sinks.