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[Fishing] Help needed from fellow fishermen RE: Getting a 110 fishing PS...


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
I am in a dilemma.......

I have been working fishing quite hard to get a 110 fishing powerscroll.

Of course, since as of now getting a 110 PS (as a drop) needs 106 fishing skill to be given orders with dungeon fish, my only way to get there, currently, was building up a stock of 8x 105 fishing powerscrolls and bind them into a 110 so that I can then train to 106 skill and start getting dungeon fish orders and move from there.

Now, my dilemma is that now, after long and hard work I have gathered the 8x 105 fishing powerscrolls and I "could" bind them into a 110 but, because of the upcoming patch with the changes to fishing (most namely the reduction to 105 skill to get dungeon fish orders), I am not sure whethere binding them now would be the smartest thing for me to do.

I mean, I could wait for the patch and just work my orders at 105 with dungeon fish and get a 110 PS drop straight and use the 105 PS otherwise (sell them ?).

So, I need advice.

Can you please state me the pros of binding my 8x 105s now into a 110 and the cons of doing it now, instead ?

That is, offer me both points of view (get a 110 PS now or wait for the patch) so that I can then think over it, see if I made any oversight of the issues involved and make my decision whether to wait for the patch and bind my 8x 105s now and get the 110 right now without waiting for the patch.

By the way, I did think of buying a 110 fishing PS now and then sell my 8x 105s to recover the cost of the 110 PS purchase but the problem is, that I could not find any 110 fishing PS available.....


Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am in a dilemma.......

So, I need advice.

Can you please state me the pros of binding my 8x 105s now into a 110 and the cons of doing it now, instead ?
Pro you get a 110 now and then you can find all the pros out yourself. 110 will be worthless after Pub 69 (IMHO).

I have stoped doing quests and now hav over 500 of each fish and 400 crab/lobsters. Will start them after Pub 69.

I read everyones posts and make up my own mind on what to do and how to play my own game. All the info is there if you take the time and read for yourself so you can make up your own mind of what to do. You spend more time asking everyone else how to play UO, play UO your way and have fun. Quit worrying so much about how everybody else plays, it's a game you need to enjoy and quit worrying so much about.

But if you really need to be told what to do then bind the 105s and eat the 110 now and go fishing and do more quests.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
110 will be worthless after Pub 69 (IMHO).
Well, I guess that if 110 PS will be worthless after Pub 69 then moreso will 105s.......

You spend more time asking everyone else how to play UO, play UO your way and have fun. Quit worrying so much about how everybody else plays, it's a game you need to enjoy and quit worrying so much about.
What if I oversee any given point of view that may differ from mine and yet be a valid one?

After all, that is what brainstorming sessions are for, to have different people come up with different views, opinions over the same one issue and then elaborate which might be the best one to take.

If I limited my play on only my thinking I might oversee some points of views with which I could agree with and even prefer to mine.
This is not about playing someone else's game style, this is only about considering whether I may or not have missed some aspects of this problem.
I like to have all aspects of an issue before me in order to make a decision that I can be comfortable with.

By the way, why do you think 110s will be worthless after Pub 69 ?
Also, why do you think binding the 8x 105s now would be the best decision to make now ? What arguments do you consider that favour this decision ?

After all, you mentioned that you stopped doing quests to build up your stock of fish, crabs and lobsters.....