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Help me out please...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As you probably are already aware... Test Center is currently a copy of Great Lakes...

That being established It has all of the houses that were on TC before the copy was made + all of the houses that have been added since then... It's rather full...

I'm looking to test some housing ideas out... I'm one of the Homes and Castles forum mods...

Any way I'm looking for someone with a house on GL that they have had a long time that is willing to take a few moments of there time to log on Test Center gate me to their copy of their house and transfer it to me on Test Center...

This wont effect your GL house or possessions at all... You wont even need to make a new char your GL chars are already there...

Only important thing is the house has to be at least 13x13 and one you owned before the Copy which was at least a few months ago...

If it happens to be full to the brim with rubble that wouldn't hurt haha but by no means necessary.. =)


Oh yeah... I forgot PM me on here or just find me at Luna bank on GL Please I'll be there until someone helps