Thanks for your kind words Raven and sorry for your loss (weird, sounds like someone just died). I just sent in a bug report reguarding the issue to EA and hopefully the next pub will deal with it *not holding breath*. Thankfully, Azazel has been going above and beyond anything I would have expected of him and is a true testiment to him and UO's community. Personally, I really just care about the 2 spring cleaning tickets (25k each) that were on there as I only have two characters that could ever come close to earning looting rights on Melissa. I had a huge chest of freebies also that I feel bad that newbies and char start-up's wont have access to but all-in-all not too expensive of a lesson if it all vanishes into KR oblivian. I feel bad for troubling Azazel as much as I have over the matter and he is certanly welcome to the stuff that was on the vendor (not that he or I really need it, just some junk laying around).
Well let me cheer the owner.
The help offer is open ended.
People were kind to me when I lost my stuff. I made out better then the house owner and I am not talking gold. So, I try and pass the kindness along.
I left sonoma and gave the 18x18 to a returning player. The house was named sonoma kindness.
Though duping is around, I mostly focus on playing and meeting people. Its just seeing 1,000's of valorite hammers around and such is ridiculous. But I dont want to lose focus for possibly helping, in your case, when I can. More work went into your 25k tickets then the duper cloning 1000 hammers.