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Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i just start a fisherlady and i am at 47.3, and i was wondering if you all knew what would be the best way to get gain skill

Lord Lew

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Only way is to fish, go to a large dock area and map out your fishing spots. If you can find some alacrity scrolls they will help, but outside of paying mint for transcendence scrolls, you must fish. Once you hit 75 get a boat and go fishing. Be prepared for the sea serpents however!! If you have access to a vollem, they are wonderful protectors.

Have fun fishing, and save up for a high seas boat, you will need the storage. Oh and if you don't already have high seas, go get it!!

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
If you go to the Royal City in Ter Mur, Ortlem the Mystic (south of the farmer's market tent) offers a quest called "A Mystic's Journey." He wants 100 daemon bones and 100 dragon blood. You can get the daemon bones by killing void creatures in Ter Mur (i.e., the sparkly black monsters with name in red that spawn near the edges of most land masses) or by killing stuff in Doom dungeon. The dragon blood is obtained by killing and skinning reptiles (dragons, sliths, etc.). The reward for the quest is a Crystal Ball of Knowledge. If you keep one turned on in your fisher's backpack while she is fishing, it will tell you whether or not you are fishing in a good spot to get fishing gains.

Lord Lew

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks Tina, for some reason I did not know about this. Is it similar to the fish finder that puts you on schooling fish?

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No, it has more in common with the skill tutor statuette. All my training chars carry one.


Siege... Where the fun begins.
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Stratics Legend
Hello MareJadeSky...

Tina Small is right on here... I like to have the char who is training fishing sit in one spot where my Crystal Ball of Knowledge says it's optimal for gains to fish. This one is simple. Get the Crystal Ball of Knowledge and nose your ship against a shore. Fish. If the Ball says it's too easy back up one and try again. Rinse and repeat until you get optimal.
For great info on fishing, UOGuide is your friend. Here's an excerpt from the Fishing page:
30 - 50 Fish in shallow water. Stand on the shore of islands such as Moonglow or Haven and walk around.​
50 - 75 Fish off of a dock, a few tiles from the shore. As your skill rises, fish a little bit further and further out. A Crystal Ball of Knowledge comes in very handy to help gauge the best distance from where to fish.​
75 - 100 Fish in deep water (gains after 85.0 are only possible in in deep water). Deep water requires the use of a boat to reach. Get on one and sail around. Be prepared to fight Sea Serpents.​
80 - 100 Alternatively, as the method of DJ, after you hit 80, you can use SOS's and a Fishing Scroll of Alacrity. When you sail to the SOS coordinates, and use the alacrity scroll before fishing for the SOS, you'll get decent gains by pulling up the random loot before the chest. If you keep runebooks with close coordinates (NE, SE, NW, SW high numbers, and low numbers) and can dry dock your boat quickly and recall to a closer coordinate, you can get a few SOS's in before your alacrity scroll ends. Note that after around 95, it's slow and repetitive.​
If you have a Crystal Ball of Knowledge, turn it on and try out different fishing locations until the ball reports "Optimal" difficulty. It will let you know exactly where the optimal spots are. The distance is about one step further away from land every 5 skill points. Once you reach 95.1, it will only ever say "Easy" even in deep water. Expect to catch around 3,800 fish to go from 50 to 100 skill(as well as plenty of nets, treasure maps, white pearls, delicate scales and footwear) while using the crystal ball under optimal conditions. If you just go straight to deep water after 85 without using a crystal ball, you may unknowingly be fishing in slightly over-challenging areas, slowing the rate of skillgain.​
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