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  • Thread starter Little Sadie
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Little Sadie

Where is everyone? This place is beat! I have never seen it go so long without anyone posting. Did you all go and get a life?:D


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Life.. HAHAHA that's a funny looking word. What does it mean?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well if you must know...

Gym- 7:30AM
Wal-Mart- 9:15AM
Price is Right-11AM (Oh yeah!)
Filed at my mom's office-12PM
Went to the post office-12:15PM
Car Wash-1PM
Vacuum Interior-1:30PM
Delinted Seats-2:00PM
Went to the bank-2:30PM
Cleaned about 3 buckets of dog poop from the dog kennels (long overdo..lol)-3:00PM
Being a Bum-3:30PM-5:30PM
Cook Dinner-5:45PM

I wouldn't call it a life, but it kept me busy! It's VERY nice here, mid 40's. Supposed to be like 60's by the weekend. I'm down with that!

Sally Bumblefoot

I'm having a little TOO MUCH "life" lately!!! I also understand that there was a problem with some people not being able to get on, but that was a day or two ago. I tried to convince Josh that the powers that be were just trying to eliminate the "riff raff" but he didnt believe me!! I guess he checked with Trish.....shucks!!

I will say that I had a nice couple hour lunch with a couple of friends this afternoon, though. Mexican!! Yum Yum!!

Little Sadie

Well if you must know...

Gym- 7:30AM
Wal-Mart- 9:15AM
Price is Right-11AM (Oh yeah!)
Filed at my mom's office-12PM
Went to the post office-12:15PM
Car Wash-1PM
Vacuum Interior-1:30PM
Delinted Seats-2:00PM
Went to the bank-2:30PM
Cleaned about 3 buckets of dog poop from the dog kennels (long overdo..lol)-3:00PM
Being a Bum-3:30PM-5:30PM
Cook Dinner-5:45PM

I wouldn't call it a life, but it kept me busy! It's VERY nice here, mid 40's. Supposed to be like 60's by the weekend. I'm down with that!
And what did you do when you got home at 10am for the entire hour before Price is Right? Huh? Huh?:D


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I put my stuff away from Wally World, and then I caught Divorce Court at 10:30, oops forgot to mention! Oh and I had lunch, a Stouffer Cheesy Spaghetti Bake, OMG I love those. Best microwave dinner out there. Oh and some sour cream and onion potato chips. Now I am preparing Bourbon Chicken, Mac N Cheese, and Baked Beans for the evening meal. It just never stops..:hahaha:

Little Sadie

I LOVE Bourbon Chicken. Whoever created that stuff was a genius! I have attempted to make it at home but it doesn't come close to the stuff at the mall foodcourts. Are you making it yourself?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I cheat, I had Perdue Bourbon Chicken . It's really good, just throw it in the oven. Last time I didn't read the instructions, and deep fried them. They turned out a bit CAJUN, but still were kinda good. If you've ever been to Applebees and had the boneless wings, the Teriyaki (which they don't have anymore at our store), they are kind of like that. Anyway, yeah that was my day!


Where is everyone? This place is beat! I have never seen it go so long without anyone posting. Did you all go and get a life?:D
I'm too lazy to come up with a topic, I just wait for someone else to make one and then I reply. :D



Life? Well, kinda! It's been 70's and sunny for the past two days and is supposed to continue on into the weekend. Way too nice to stay inside on the puter!!

Little Sadie

Life? Well, kinda! It's been 70's and sunny for the past two days and is supposed to continue on into the weekend. Way too nice to stay inside on the puter!!
It snowed about 8 inches two days ago here so we have been haning out at home. Sledding has been about it. LOL! We are getting nice weather this weekend. Highs in the mid 70s both days! Yippee!

Crazy Fireball

It snowed about 8 inches two days ago here so we have been haning out at home. Sledding has been about it. LOL! We are getting nice weather this weekend. Highs in the mid 70s both days! Yippee!
I HATE SNOW! Im sick of it! It snowed 12+ here, and its 50 right now - OMG it fells like the SUMMER!

Sheriff Tricky

Hi all!

Between coaching track, teaching, and karate class...I am busy. Now to add to my busy schedule, as long as I find out that I am keeping my job, I am getting a black lab.
