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Hello to anyone I know who still plays



Been a lonnnnnnnnnnng time since I posted on these boards! This is sik (aka Romulus) from NvM and L%C.

Just wondering if there is anyone still around that I used to know, that still plays. Wondering what you are all up to. I'm thinking about coming back to UO and doing what I did for the first few years I played the game... collecting rares. I have quite a bit of extremely old rares from my old collection that I'd like to dust off and put back out. I'd also like to pick up a bunch more.

For anyone curious: I'm engaged to the same chick I've been with 7 years now. Graduated college with dual degrees in forensic behavioral science and in psychology. Currently working on my PhD in forensic psychology. I played WoW hardcore with Death and Taxes for a bit and then led Loot Crusade in wow for quite some time. I don't play any games anymore, I quit wow in Jan 09.

so to anyone out there that remembers me, say whats up


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow, I have not been on game for a long time either. Logged on tonight to read the post and saw your name. I think the last time I saw you was at Messiah's castle where you were waiting for it to go idoc. This is your favorite or unfavorite at times (LOL) tamer btw. I'll see if you can figure out the clue :)
Glad to see you are still around.


haha of course I know who this is! Did messiah's castle ever collapse? how do I not remember that?

do you still play at all? I still have you on my ICQ but you are never on =[


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have not played for quite a while. I think I will try to play in the winter and see if I still like it. I don't see you on icq, send me a message next time you are online. Oh and his castle did fall about 6 months ago. I really never thought it would. Wish I had been online, I still had stuff in that castle, probably stuff I didn't need lol. Anyway send me a message.