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Hello LS!!



I recently returned to UO (about a week ago now) after having been gone since summer of 2007. I mainly played on SP from 2003-2007, but with the lower population now, I found SP to be dead for the most part, so I decided to play where I had the most "developed" chars. Hence LS!!

I noticed from the posts that there are open hunts that go on. Do these go every week or are they a once in awhile thing? I would love to join in and start getting my feet wet as I relearn the game.

I do have a few questions:

1) Are there any housing spots open? I prefer fel, but will through up a house anywhere for now.

2) I will eventually be looking for an active guild. I use to play factions back in the day and love pvp, just hate gate pvp. Champ spawns and dungeons were a blast from what I remember so hopefully they didn't change that too much.

Chars I'll probably be using the most to start will be:
Redeemer - Tamer
Xylina - THunter
Lythande - SOS Fisher
Scorn - Fencer or Archer (both on stones)

Hope to see you all on the battle field :thumbup: