I just read through that article and im at a loss...wtf does it do??
Im not computer literate btw so in laments terms would be nice, also...how am i meant to stop it?
It's a computer worm that gains admin access to your PC and then lies in wait to download further instructions from the people that made the virus.
Virus and worms normally just carry a set of fixed instructions (payload) to perform specific tasks - eg wipe your bios, delete your files, keylogs, sends your personal info out etc etc. Think of these like a DF in Doom. It's AI is determined by how well the devs have initially written it. Because it follows a known and predictable AI script, players can lure it near the exit gates to better defeat it.
Cornficker is made so that besides the preset intructions on disabling your virus programs/auto update/system restore etc, the programmers can later give it different instructions anytime they want. Eg, the virus makers monitor what anti virus companies are doing to detect it, then give it instructions to adapt. Think of this like having a dev online and changing the DF's AI on the fly depending on how many people are fighting it, whether most are warriors or mages, whether people are luring it to a doorway etc. Makes it alot harder to defeat. Plus, instead of attacking tanks, the DF's AI can be commanded on the fly to deal with the healers first.
This makes it alot more dangerous because it's AI is boosted by humans.
Post DS made in UHall previously -
Wiki info -
MS info -
Patch instructions is in the last link (the Microsoft one)