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Head Slot Transmogrification potion is in the store


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
  • Transmogrification Potion – Head Slot
    • This potion will allow the transfer of properties from one head slot item to another head slot item.
    • Properties cannot be transferred to head slot items that are imbued or have any existing magical properties.
    • The resulting item can not be imbued, reforged, or enhanced.
    • Not available on Siege Perilous

You have to match medable or non medable material as source and target.
Can not use refined item as a source. Not sure about the other 3 things above as a source.
Mage armor counts as medable. When you transfer it to a medable item, you will not be able to remove the mage armor.
Target must be head armor, meaning it must have resists. So no Top hat, Veil etc

Can use nictating lens as a target. The end result will be blessed. Lens are a medable item.
It keeps blessed if target or source is blessed.
Can use special color cloth and craft a hat to be used as a target. Can have a Europa gold wizard hat and put Halo stats on it.
Can dye the resulting Hat.

I put Dr. Spectors on a Pumpkin and Halo on a wizard Hat:

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Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does this mean they enlarged the soul stone containers too? I think they were promising these at the same time.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can this be used on blank earrings or goggles as a target so a gargole could get something useful to wear?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No. Gargs cant use them prob because they could wear 2 head slot items if they could use this. They removed the Khal helmet as a source because of this.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They said they needed a client patch or something like that.
The potion did not need a patch it was already in the code. Just wasn't for sale yet. Cause its on TC.


Stratics Veteran
Tested converting the scholar's halo into a close helm doing the mage armor thing people said before. So you can transmog cloth into plate if you go to a mage guildmaster and add the mage armor property. Tried with an orc helm and worked too. I thought the head armor xmog thing would be very limited but now I'm really glad we can add the mage armor property and just transmog a lot of items.

How do you get it on test center ?
East of WBB, near the cleanup officer.


Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Supporter
What is a nictating lens? I've never heard of this item, but am very interested. We've needed a way to craft Elven Lens and Gargish Glasses for some time... even more so now.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
What is a nictating lens? I've never heard of this item, but am very interested. We've needed a way to craft Elven Lens and Gargish Glasses for some time... even more so now.
it's the glasses used to go into Gravewater Lake.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tested converting the scholar's halo into a close helm doing the mage armor thing people said before. So you can transmog cloth into plate if you go to a mage guildmaster and add the mage armor property. Tried with an orc helm and worked too. I thought the head armor xmog thing would be very limited but now I'm really glad we can add the mage armor property and just transmog a lot of items.

East of WBB, near the cleanup officer.
If you do that by putting mage armor on metal. You can not remove the mage armor from the lens or other item used as a source. So you will lose the metal or bone lmc benefit.

Don't forget. You can use a Dragon helmet. They are non medable.
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