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Hazmat The King of Kings


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Who ever still plays UO. I am curious to see who still plays this game. Jeff and I are still lovers and we love just like we used too. Which is good for me because I get lonely on cold nights. Its been roughly 3 years since I last logged onto the game and when I stopped playing last the game was in a slow downward spiral towards horrible. Jeff (My Buns) rarely plays and like I said I haven't even logged onto the game. Can anyone give me insight if any shard is worth playing? Is SI still around? C@S was about gone when I last played as was M!S. PvM vanished before I left, I blame GSE for that. Cartel was a mere shadow of what it was. I believe they resorted to adding trammies and noobs in an attempt to thwart GSE from running the show. Which may have worked out after I left, But I am not sure. Anyway! Does anyone even read this stuff anymore??

Oh, and yes for the doubters of the past.. I did join the Marine Corps, did go to Afghanistan, did come home and became a police officer, and yes I am in the reserves now. <<<That was for you Super Ken.. You Doubting Thomas you...



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for your service. I have just setup my account lately too.. have not headed out to the battle grounds yet....

JUST wanted to say hi.

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Please forgive the man. He has been gone for quite some time and knows no better.
Hugs all around.
And yes, thank you Haz for your service.

Please tell me you are not an officer in the Chicago area.:eek2:

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome back to UO, however your poll was not really suitable content for these boards.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sup Haz!

I never doubted you were going into the service. Maybe for a bit, but not after I actually got to know you.

It's dead PvP wise. I guess you can talk to someone who still plays. I haven't in forever, and I'm not even Cartel anymore.

I talked to Jeff a few months ago, I think?

Lizzard of Baja

Stratics Veteran
I am a trammie that is in cartel! Woohoo for Trammies. I'd like to get some more community related spawning/peerless etc going on in baja. But to be honest, to be hugely commited to uo is bad for the health. I wasn't a part of the orignal SI versus Cartel Hateathon. Though I must confess I have helped pk a few SI members. And for any SI member out there who say "yeah that is right you evil Cartel member"... haha don't forget SI has killed me a few times too. *sticks out tongue* I just like everyone on baja. My philosophy is that if I met you irl and you played uo, we'd have something in common and possibly be friends, and why hate anyways. I believe ATL is the shard with the most pvp. The pvprs on ATL talk non stop bs to each other. Baja hasn't really had pvp in a few months. Pac seems to have more pvp. Al Cpwn will pk everyone on baja, so if you want to fight he will fight you. There are a few others who will randomly show up and try to fight.Talking about Al Cpwn, he is in Cartel and he likes to pk me. I will gladly pk him if I could but I can't. Maybe later.
I think the problem with UO is that EA doesn't really care about us. I don't think the developers and producers really play uo. They don't understand intrinsically what is needed to make this game good and to draw people in. I think veterans have to help new players or those new players will have a really tough time. Suits are expensive and killing mongbats are not going to get you a new suit or good gear. There are games out there that are free to play with more people and better graphics.
I just like the people on baja though. I like that we can pretend role play on gen chat, and if you really need help someone will help you. I think Baja is built on people with real character. *wink wink*