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I'm okay. My ICQ, twitter & pms are just getting too much so will post here.

I live in the center of Oahu in a little mountain town called Wahiawa, almost 1k feet above sea level (not 2k). I have family coming up from shore areas... places like Waianae, Waialua, Haleiwa & Waimanalo. People are not being silly about this.

I dunno how long will keep internet, blackberry & other stuff going - if our main power facility gets damaged I'll go offline (obviously). Just know, I'm good and as my vastly extended family starts to show up, I'll be responding less but we have survived all kinds of things... we will survive this.

We are so concerned in Hawaii because the last major Chile 'quake in 1960 seriously damaged Hilo on the Big Island and an Aleutian Island earthquake in 1946 wiped out entire villages.

Evacuations on all islands are underway, and roads are already closing to prevent movement. Boats are going out to sea, homeless living on beaches are being shuffled inland. We have plenty of time... ETA for the event is about 11:05am HST for the Big Island... and then we'll know for sure what we are dealing with. About a half hour after the Big Island is hit, Oahu (where I live) will be hit.

If I lose internet, I still have my uber blackberry to tweet with. If anyone is curious or just wants to know "first hand", by twitter handle is lesszoa.

Thank you everyone...

Just FYI - is not just Hawaii that will be getting tsunami... anything north of Chile (Tijuana, Baja Cali) and out toward Australia (Easter Island, Micronesia) will be experiencing the effects.

Otis Firefly

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Stay safe Kirthag and our many other friends in Hawaii!! Morgana Le fey ect...
your in our thoughts!!! keep us up to date as much as you can!!! stay safe and stay strong!!

five oclock

You and your family..and our friends from down under and in Chile are in our thoughts and prayers..

I do hope it passes by you with no grief but drops lots of fishes on the shores....


kirth,I hope you have agenerator up the mt with you and gas to run it for awhile, other than that goodluck keep your feet dry watch undertow, even in the midwest we know that stuff well, as spring floods can take strong young gents off at the ankles, very funny to us middleaged guys who warn them about floods. :)


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Wave #4 just came and went.

The water just receded, then came back a bit quickly. This is a GOOD thing! We've had oscillations of about 3 to 5 feet on Oahu (that is the amount of change from full recession to water returning then leveling out). Some water discoloration at Hilo (first point of impact).

We have not received the All Clear from the civil defense people, but boats are returning to the marinas, people are starting to venture out onto the beaches.

If you want to watch live streaming news from one of our local stations as well as other information go here: http://hitsunami.info/

All in all, kinda anticlimactic, but at least I get to have family over for great food!

They are all watching movies now so I'm gonna get some UO time.

A hui hou!

Of note - No, I don't have a generator - don't need one. Photovoltaic system and the sun is shining wonderfully so I have LOTS of power. The electric company sends me a check for the electricity I feed back into the system. Go Green! ^.^


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Tsunami warning canceled.

Back to business as usual! whoohoo!


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Glad to see no damage or lives lost to this in on the Islands. And people say mother nature can't be kind.... some times.


glad to hear, of the anti climatic ending, and that the power company pays you, hate those leeches


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The problem Kal, is IF the main power company shuts down (for whatever reason), the drain on my system (and the on on Dad's house) would be too much so we have to shut down too to conserve - we disconnect from the grid as it were.

And services island wide go black,

Happened a couple year ago when we had an earthquake - the entire island went black. Is why we got the photovoltaic system; but is not all "self sustaining" as you think.

Anyhoo... we got lucky - everyone says that. Conditions were "just so" (full moon affecting our tides, hi-tide was at 3am, direction of swell was against the tsunami.... stuff like that) that the effect was "smooth recession and fill of the tsunami".

Maui saw the greatest changes I hear... they had 6 foot oscillations. Here on Oahu we have about 3 feet.

Now... back to our regularly scheduled UO happenings. :)

Besides - as I told Ted - I just got a Luna house, NOTHING is gonna happen to me! :lol:


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I'm glad you're safe. I thought this would be an appropriate time to give a little educational lesson here. These storms, earthquakes, and other natural disasters are a direct result of human beings making our planet toxic. This is earth fighting back. So take a moment and really think to yourself "What can I do to help the planet heal today?"

Little facts to share:
-55,000 species of animals, plants and insects go extinct every day because of US.
-factory farming is not only cruel to the animals we raise for food, but devistating to our planet, sending out 25 times more carbon and methane emissions than cars. factory farming also produces toxic run-off that infects our crops with salmanilla and ecolli viruses.
-if you turn off your lights for 1 hour every night while you're watching tv or playing a game, just turning off your lights that 1 hour will save you 30 dollars on your electric bill every month and prevent 0.022 cpsi of carbon from entering the atmosephere.
-we are not at the top of the food chain, infact if faced with a preditory animal we'd turn tail and run, we are ONLY here on this earth in mass numbers because we have a large brain, we are no better or worse than any other creature here, so we must think of all other creatures as equals in order to save nature. we need nature to survive, to exist, and because of the manner of thinking 'we are on top', we are killing our source of survival. so to change and save not only our lives,but the lives of every other creature-we have to directly change our way of thinking.

Time for change is here, we wont get another chance.


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-if you turn off your lights for 1 hour every night while you're watching tv or playing a game, just turning off your lights that 1 hour will save you 30 dollars on your electric bill every month and prevent 0.022 cpsi of carbon from entering the atmosephere.
My electric bill is on average $40/mo before we put in the photovoltaic system. Now, I am paid about $120/mo from the electric company for I generate so much electricity. Gotta love the sun.

Before the PV system, I hardly used any electricity. Use CFL bulbs in the one lamp on my desk when I'm doing anything, open my windows and I don't even own an air conditioner. My daily showers are mostly cold water. Hot water heater was put on a timer when I first bought the place. The only appliance that is on 24/7 is the fridge, and I have an energy-star small fridge (is just me after all).

My parents, who run ceiling fans in ALL rooms (including the bathroom) 24/7 used to have $300/mo electric bills. Now, they only pay about $80 with the same PV system as I have on my house.

Yes... $40 electric bill in the peak of summer in Hawaii. lol! I tell my friends and neighbors and they all stare at me like I'm some freak.

I hafta agree Mel, we are slowly killing our world.


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My electric bill is on average $40/mo before we put in the photovoltaic system. Now, I am paid about $120/mo from the electric company for I generate so much electricity. Gotta love the sun.

Before the PV system, I hardly used any electricity. Use CFL bulbs in the one lamp on my desk when I'm doing anything, open my windows and I don't even own an air conditioner. My daily showers are mostly cold water. Hot water heater was put on a timer when I first bought the place. The only appliance that is on 24/7 is the fridge, and I have an energy-star small fridge (is just me after all).

My parents, who run ceiling fans in ALL rooms (including the bathroom) 24/7 used to have $300/mo electric bills. Now, they only pay about $80 with the same PV system as I have on my house.

Yes... $40 electric bill in the peak of summer in Hawaii. lol! I tell my friends and neighbors and they all stare at me like I'm some freak.

I hafta agree Mel, we are slowly killing our world.
awesome. i've been making my own solar panels by saudering smaller ones together. so far they've worked pretty well but i'm not able to generate too much extra, heating is the culpret there-in summer i might generate enough to be paid back by the electric company. my bill this month was 8 dollars, compared to last years winter bill of 570 dollars. I dont really understand why people would rather pay so much money for the bills like that when you can make your own solar panels for less than 200 dollars per 4x8 panel? sigh


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I also wanna brag a bit hehe, after 3 months of constant work and applications Fairy Arts LLC was given a 'green business' cirtificate ^_^ im so proud to be greeeeeen~!


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Too funny!!!!!