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Having to enter admin password every time I start UO in Win 7


Grand Inquisitor
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I've just installed Windows 7, and I'm learning my way around. I'm having a problem with having to enter the administrator password every time certain programs, including the SA client, start. I've set them both to run as administrator, what have I balled up?

Derium of ls

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
I had a friend come over an "fix" all of that stuff for me. Now I'm stuck where the last thing I highlighted on the taskbar stays highlighted, really annoying for things like AIM or ICQ, never know when I have a message.


Grand Inquisitor
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I had a friend come over an "fix" all of that stuff for me. Now I'm stuck where the last thing I highlighted on the taskbar stays highlighted, really annoying for things like AIM or ICQ, never know when I have a message.
Well, I've got that problem fixed and a few others that were driving me batty, but what it all basically boiled down to was completely disabling all the new security features that come with Windows 7. Which is a shame because I had expected Windows 7 to be more secure than my old XP, but unfortunately with what I've had to do to get all my favourite apps running, it isn't.

However, everything runs faster and is more stable, and my computer feels like a new machine, even though none of the hardware was upgraded. So it was still worth the money I spent on it. And the four days it took me to get all of my basic apps up and running and Windows fairly well tweaked is probably pretty reasonable considering my level of familiarity with Windows 7.


Grand Inquisitor
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I had a friend come over an "fix" all of that stuff for me. Now I'm stuck where the last thing I highlighted on the taskbar stays highlighted, really annoying for things like AIM or ICQ, never know when I have a message.
Oh, and if you are interested in checking out an alternative multi-protocol messaging client, I can't recommend Miranda IM highly enough. If you are prepared to spend some time getting familiar with it and setting it up, the things you can do with it are amazing. For example if you happen to run X-Fire there is a X-Fire plugin for Miranda that is far less bloated and causes far fewer problems than the proprietary X-Fire client.


Were you able to get UO EC running on 64 bit OS windows 7? Mine just feezes after I click Log in.. so weird


Grand Inquisitor
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Yes I was able to get the EC running on Windows 7 64 Pro, and it runs far better than it did on 32 bit Win XP. I've had conflict issues with some settings and modules for ATI Tray Tools though with various programs that wouldn't allow them to start (I did get everything working though). You wouldn't happen to be running ATI Tray Tools would you?

Shamus Turlough

Lore Master
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Llewen, sounds like you are using an account that is not a local administrator. Two options to fix are 1. right click the uo shortcut, click properties, click compatibility tab and check the box that says "run as administrator". when you click apply you have to enter the password once. The best fix is, go to control panel, and users, and make the account you are using a local administrator.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
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Llewen, sounds like you are using an account that is not a local administrator. Two options to fix are 1. right click the uo shortcut, click properties, click compatibility tab and check the box that says "run as administrator". when you click apply you have to enter the password once. The best fix is, go to control panel, and users, and make the account you are using a local administrator.
Ya, I had wanted to be able to run everything on a standard account, but I was forced to change my account to an admin account because of this issue, and a few others. I had to complete disable UAC, and change my account to an admin account, which of course completely emasculates all of the new security features available in Windows 7.

Nice to see Microsoft hasn't completely lost it's ability to screw the pooch...